lundi 16 avril 2007


planet of origin: Tarrastakas

Self-styled "masters" of the universe, the Vulcrons and their empire have shown a phenomenal capacity to endure in the interstellar political scene despite their apparent lack of cunning and aggressiveness. They successfully handled several tragic downfall and played an important role in the transition to new power structure, all with minimal loss of face and influence, thanks to the acute political skills of their telepathic intelligentsia. Vulcrons are carbon-based oxygen-breathing herbivorous invertebrates, whose cartilaginous bodies, roughly conical in shape, are kept erect by a "pneumatic skeleton" of air sacs and valves, controlled by a complex muscular system. Averaging 50 kilos for a mean height and width of 1.4 meters, Vulcrons move around by moving air between "foot sacs", a series of seven empty cavities circling the base of their bodies. They have two big, bulging round eyes and fat, fleshy lips. They also have large, sturdy ears that double as manipulating limbs, and into which they can wrap up for comfort, heat or protection against light physical attacks. Vulcrons are asexuate; reproduction is handled by seven organs situated around the Vulcron’s chest. These organs have certain functions similar to those of the human liver: they filter nutrients and mild toxins from the Vulcron’s blood, and secrete some digestive enzymes. They also accumulate genetic information contained in other Vulcron’s saliva (exchanged during customary greeting "kisses"), and at some point develop into an embryonic Vulcron. After a ten-week gestation (during which it has a half-and-half chance of dying) the new Vulcron falls off, ready to eat his own food. All of the Vulcron’s livers eventually fall off in this way. When a Vulcron has lost his last liver, he dies. The average Vulcron’s life expectancy is of approximately 241 years. A Vulcron's life is principally defined by his immediate family, as his worth and responsibility are defined by his order of birth and his number of children. Parents pass on to their mature children their more tedious duties, always favoring lastborns; similarly they inherit their parent's duties, their position and heritage diminished each time a sibling is born after them. Once a parent dies, all of its children are considered free for the first time; the youngest usually inherits his parent's estate, while the other go on to start new distinct households. This rather tense familial structure, only natural to Vulcrons, may explain their natural ability for negotiation and intrigue. Though they are asexuate, Vulcrons from different families often "associate", officially fusing their respective families as one. The complex political structure of the third Holy Vulcron Empire prevails on all Vulcron worlds in one way or another, though individual planets -- which retain some authority over internal affairs-- offer a plethora of political, social and economical system. Most of these systems are based on religious cults pertaining to their reproductive cycle and/or the pre-eminence of psychic Vulcrons. Less than 0.1% of Vulcrons posess psychic powers. Most are Empaths, but a few display remarkable Psychometric abilities (reading into the past of persons, objects or places). Many Vulcron myths are based on the coming of a precognitive Vulcron demigod, and in fact there has been at least 4 historical cases of Vulcrons that could predict the future, but there doesn't seem to be any around in the days of Earthbound. Vulcrons are renowned for letting their legendary egocentrism pervade their relationships with other races. This seems to be partly intentional, an attitude that provokes negotiating adversaries into carelessness. In any case it finds justification in how they perceive the relevance of other races to their sacred empire which -- as every Vulcron knows -- is the cultural center of the universe.

Source: Ghislain Barbe & Elie Charest "Earthbound"

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