dimanche 31 mai 2009


Planet of Origin: A world orbiting the Star Rigel, some 773 light years from Earth.
Rigelians are a sentient species of bipeds from a high gravity world who developed a space faring civilisation. As of the 23rd century, they were in contact with humanity.
Massive humanoids standing from 1.5 to 2 meters tall and weighting from 10 to 15 tons, they have a tough as stone green skin with hair growing on the top of their head and all sport a moustache.
Source: Bravestarr universe

samedi 30 mai 2009


Edited from the WCNews.com entry.
Planet of Origin: Firekka
The Firekkans are an avian species that resemble seven-foot tall predatory birds. Firekkan males are slightly smaller than their female counterparts.
Firekkan culture relies heavily on a matriarchal flock system. Firekkan society values the interests of the flock, which consists of a matriarch and her family, above those of the individual. This creates a stable society, but one that can have difficulty adapting to new things unless it is forced to. Each flock grooms a specific child from birth to become flock leader. A flock leader leads her flock in many aspects of life. According to the tenet of the Living Spark, the acts of a flock leader shape the flock and the future. The overall leader of Firekkan culture, the 'Flock Leader of Flock Leaders', is known as the Teehyn Ree. Because of the strong subordination to a flock, and the flock's desire to remain close, few Firekkans, at least in the past, have left their flocks to go out into space.
Firekkan religion and philosophy are very spiritual and are based heavily on imagery of flight and nature. Midnight ceremonies are held at the Firekkan Fire-Temples. Firekkans commonly follow the Flame Winds doctrine, which emphasizes living in the moment and not worrying about the future or planning ahead. Any occurrence can undo any plans, so it is futile to plan ahead. The Firekkans also participate in a number of flying dances used for a number of purposes from bonding to mourning.
Firekkans are very social creatures, and as such have a complex system of greetings, gestures and customs. The first thing an outsider will notice is the Firekkan greeting. To be sure that their acquaintance will be free of pests during while in their company, Firekkans greet each other by searching the feathers, hair, or fur of their acquaintance for parasites and bugs. Also, an outsider should note that Firekkans display their amusement by leaning backwards and clattering their beaks in a gesture similar to human laughter. Other notable things include the ducking of one’s head between the shoulders when embarrassed and the involuntary moulting when frightened.
Firekkan architecture is distinct in that it is created for a race with flight. Buildings are arranged without stairs, or fences at large drops, which can be quite disconcerting to visitors. Bars and pubs have perches for their patrons, instead of chairs. Firekkan pubs are, quite probably, most famous for their potent alcoholic drink known as Firekka’s Finest. Along with socializing over a Firekka’s Finest, Firekkans have a number of recreational activities, including flight races.
The Terran Confederation made contact with the Firekkans in 2653, and pledged to protect them while Firekkan entry into the Confederation was negotiated. Shortly after this contact with the Confederation, the first Firekkans left their flocks and planet to travel between star systems.
By the year 2678, the Firekkan Planetary Alliance had been created and the Firekkans had claimed the nearby star system of T'kirsa.
Source: Wing Commander Universe


The Steltek are an advanced species which developed a galaxy-spanning empire 2.4 billion years ago. They eventually retreated from the galaxy, after bringing ruin upon themselves with their technology, possibly in a civil war. Before leaving, the Steltek attempted to destroy all of their technology so that developing races would not bring the same ruin upon themselves. However, some artefacts still remain. The Steltek eliminate these pockets when possible.
Source: Wing COmmander Universe.


The Double Helix are a sentient species that developed a space faring civilisation. They are carbon-based arthropods communicating through scents and pheromones. The name Double Helix comes from the shape of their spacecraft. It is not known whether they possess Faster Than Light technology. Initial contact with the Double Helix was made in the 27th century by a space Probe which was sent through an uncharted jump-point.
Source: Wing COmmander Universe.


The Hari are a now extinct advanced species that developed a Slower-than-light space travel. They expanded into space taking only as many of their own as were necessary. Once they found a suitable world, they reproduced quickly and consumed all available natural resources before going to the next fresh worlds, taking only a select few and leaving a barren wasteland behind them.
They expanded as an Empire in what is known as the Hari Sector, a portion of space now filled with lifeless worlds as a result of the Hari's relentless consumption of natural resources.
The inability of the Hari to travel or communicate at faster than light speed, combined with the political instability inherent in a system of leadership and governance based on assassination, made the Hari easy prey. The Hari were completely annihilated in a war with the Kilrathi in the 25 century.
Source: Wing COmmander Universe.


The Mantu are an alien race with territory somewhere beyond that of the Kilrathi, opposite the Terran Confederation. The Mantu entered a war with the Kilrathi toward the end of the 25th century which in a stalemate, as the Mantu were forced into another conflict on their far border, opposite Kilrathi space.
Source: Wing COmmander Universe.


Planet of Origin: Rostov III
The Mopoks are a race of primitive sentient humanoids. They are technologically capable of creating primative huts, clubs and spears. The Kilrathi attempted to enslave the Mopoks and exploit Rostov's natural resources in 2654, but were forced to flee the system once engaged by humans.
Source: Wing COmmander Universe.


The Varni are a reptilian species that evolved very slowly to sentience and developed a space faring civilisation. The old Varni Republic was crushed by the more aggressive, and stronger, Kilrathi. Those few Varni that survived were kept as slaves, or were fated to never see their homes again.
Source: Wing COmmander Universe.


The Nephilim are an insectoids species that tried to invade our region of the Milky Way via an artificial wormhole that opened after the Terran-Kilrathi War in the Kilrah system, after the Kilrathi planet had been annihilated. Their coming was long foretold by Kilrathi prophets. Rhe Nephilim were driven back through the wormhole from which they came. it is believed that the Nephilim are natives of an empire near the galactic core.
Source: Wing COmmander Universe.


Edited from the Wikipedia Entry.
Planet of Origin: Kilrah, a harsh and arid world.
The Kilrathi are race of warlike, feline extraterrestrials. Their society depicted as an empire. Physically they are bipeds who strongly resemble big cats: they have leonine manes, but also have markings which distinguish their clan of origin.
The Kilrathi's ancestors were among the most fierce predators of their planet and, due to the rise of sapience, they quickly became the dominant species. Intelligence itself emerged at first as a means to enhance the Kilrathi natural hunting abilities and to preserve them from the dangerous environment of their planet; they not only started to build tools and traps to capture their prey, but also shelters where to take cover during the volcanic eruptions that often rained acidic ash on the surface of Kilrah. Due to their fierce territoriality and the growth of their communities, which required larger territories for hunting, the Kilrathi soon learned that creating weapons and traps to kill other members of their species was as easy as preparing new tools for hunting.
From that point on, Kilrathi history is an extended chronicle of brutal civil wars where technological discoveries played a key role in dictating which factions would rise and which would meet their demise. The advent of space-faring technology simply enlarged the sphere of expansion of the Kilrathi and transformed dozens of planets into battlegrounds. Such intra-species conflicts lasted until about two centuries before the period where the Wing Commander games take place; by then the Kilrathi were divided into two, huge empires who battled to the death to establish who would rule over the whole species. The leader of the winning side was acclaimed as the first Emperor of the Kilrathi after centuries of bloody wars. At this point it was only obvious that such a power hungry race would direct its desire for conquest towards other species living in the nearby regions of space. The Kilrathi conquered many worlds without difficulty, as not one of their enemies had the force or the technology to compete with them.
Kilrathi society is highly hierarchical: essentially the whole race is composed of an upper class of nobles (the Thrak'hra), and a lower class (the Kilra'hra). Thrak'hra and Kilra'hra are divided into hrai, the Kilrathi word for clans. There are eight Kilrathi noble clans whose members are part of the "Council of Eight", a political organization directly below the Emperor. Throughout history, these clans have made a special effort to preserve the purity of their blood-lines; they are the nar Caxki, nar Qarg, nar Kiranka, nar Ragitagha, nar Ki'ra, nar Kurutak, nar Sutaghi and nar Sihkag.
A Kilrathi's future, both as a warrior and a citizen, is determined by their social status from birth: only the nobles have a right to rule or command, and the common Kilrathi simply follow their leadership. The Kilra'hra clans swear allegiance to one of the noble clans and throughout the generations this servitude is passed on. Kilra'hra obey their masters in everything and are not allowed to do anything without explicit permission. As such, one of the most important concepts of the Kilrathi culture is that of honor: each Kilrathi must act so that they does not dishonor their race, master or their own clan. It is not uncommon for an individual who has fallen into disgrace to commit Zu'kara (ritual throat-slashing suicide): such failures could range from dishonorable behavior in combat to unintentionally insulting a superior.
The source for the belligerence and expansionist behavior, which are associated to the Kilrathi, has recently received an interesting new explanation. This is based on some hypothesis developed by research conducted during the Confederation clashes against the race codenamed "Nephilim". The "Tome of Sivar", an ancient Kilrathi relic, contains the so called "Prophecy" whose writing is attributed to the prophetess Kt'lan: it foretells the coming of a dark age for the Kilrathi (Kn'thrak), marked by the invasion from an unknown civilization (which is supposedly the Nephilim). According to Kilrathi lore, the Prophecy could be connected with an encounter between this alien civilization and the Kilrathi themselves during their ancient history. The invaders deemed the Kilrathi unworthy of fighting until they had risen to conquer the other races in their sector of galaxy. It is thus possible that the aliens have purposely or inadvertently forged the Kilrathi lust for conquest by triggering their sense of honor.
Kilrathi religion is based on the cult of the war deity Sivar, who is the only known Kilrathi god. Kilrathi females control all religious factions on Kilrah and direct all offerings and religious festivities. It's interesting to notice that most of the worshipping and celebration of Sivar takes place simply by fighting, hunting and offering part of the captured prey at one of the many temples dedicated to the war god. The most important religious ceremony known in Kilrathi culture is the Sivar-Eshrad ceremony which is celebrated every year and preferably performed on newly seized territory, a fact that drives most Kilrathi wars and has caused the confrontation with the Terran Confederation. This ceremony is of utmost importance since it ensures that the Kilrathi instinct to fight and kill is directed outward to enemies, rather than inward with the risk of sparking heated civil wars between the clans. Another ritual is the so called Pukcal (which translates as "ritual of atonement"): this ceremony is performed with the aim of confessing any private, minor dishonor to Sivar and receiving the god's forgiveness, thus avoiding mass suicide among Kilrathi who feel they have dishonored their clans.
According to the Kilrathi themselves, the destruction of their homeworld caused by the Temblor bomb, with the subsequent death of billions of their species, is considered as a huge form of "Pukcal" through which the entire race expiated the dishonor of fighting with duplicity at the "Battle of Earth" in 2668. Because of this belief Christopher Blair (the man responsible for delivering the Temblor bomb on Kilrah) sees a limited form of worship from the Kilrathi: his representation has been observed on the walls of a chapel aboard a Kilrathi vessel. Such a circumstance is probably related to a typical Kilrathi behavior which tends to idolize or sometimes demonize those enemies who proved their superiors in battle.
Being such a belligerent species, the Kilrathi never developed a specific taste for art in the same sense as a human may intend it: this is probably also a result of the Kilrathi history missing some real periods of peace where art and culture could flourish. What little the Kilrathi produced in form of orally transmitted or written art is obviously war oriented: myths of ancient Kilrathi warriors such as "Karga the Hero" or "Vorgath the Hunter" have been handed down next to songs, poems and reports of the deeds of past Kilrathi (emperors, nobles or warlords) who particularly distinguished themselves during some of the many battles the Kilrathi fought across the centuries. However, within the Kilrathi, such works are not intended as art, but rather as teachings, especially for the young who can learn what is expected from a true Kilrathi warrior. Another example of this kind of Kilrathi literature are the well known "Codices": this is a set of written principles with a profound value in Kilrathi culture, as they explain the Kilrathi concept of honor, and serve to pass on the militant culture to the next generation of Kilrathi.
Any other cultural aspect that in human civilization is usually related to art or aesthetics is mostly devoid of such concepts for the Kilrathi. Everything is built, produced or decorated according to strict rules of functionality. Kilrathi designers never developed an appreciation for order and symmetry, and therefore, their designs are frequently asymmetric and discordant by human standards. The imagery used is iconic and bold, oriented almost entirely towards glorifying previous battles and intimidating foes. For example dressings and warrior uniforms look unrefined, a peculiar mix of functionality and ornament, high-tech and primitive. Favorite colors for textile fabrics are reds, blacks and maroons and the decorations are almost exclusively symbols and insignia identifying the warrior's clan and family. Metallic textures and elements of personal armor (used mostly by nobles) lean toward gold, copper and blood-red colors.
Architecture is driven by these same principles of functionality and is adapted to the Kilrathi's peculiar taste for death and destruction. Kilrathi buildings bear evident resemblances to the primitive caves their ancestors used as lairs, since pillars and protrusions are often found rising from unlikely locations. Exposed machinery is common and ceilings are rarely enclosed, leaving cables and ductwork exposed. Details such as the dark lighting, high temperatures and low humidity favored by the Kilrathi complete the description of their constructions. Decorations are minimal and mostly represented by trophies of war such as pieces of captured or destroyed starships or the skulls of victims.
In spite of such primitive principles, Kilrathi technology is very advanced or at least on par with human technology. While their starships and fighters lack whatever could be considered as aesthetically appreciable to human observers, these vehicles are extremely efficient war machines, designed to be lethal. Kilrathi vessels are built with asymmetrical elements, protruding angles, weapons and engines placed in plain sight and often incorporate fang or claw-like curves and points, making them resemble ominous-looking blades or other melee weapons. This last detail is thought to be as much an expression of the Kilrathi visual taste as a form of psychological warfare aimed at intimidating their adversaries. Decorations are limited to ship markings indicating the clan responsible for the ship's construction. In combat the Kilrathi are strongly biased toward smaller numbers of powerful heavy fighters coupled with swarms of swift but inferior light fighters. The Thrak'hra lords pilot the heavy crafts while the lowborn Kilra'hra are assigned to fight in the light crafts. Despite this division, many Kilra'hra aces have emerged, some of whom have won acclaim with the nobility. Ace pilots are also authorized to fly customized fighters mounting different energy weapons or loadouts and can decorate their ships with personal markings.
Source: Wing COmmander Universe.

vendredi 29 mai 2009


Planet of Origin: Nasat, in the Milky Way

The Nasat are an insectoid species from planet Nasatwhich they share with a sentient plant-like species, the Citoac. They come in five different colors, which are integrated into their names (Blue, Brown, Red, Green, and Yellow). They possess hard, chitinous shells which allow them to survive in a vaccuum for limited periods of time. Nasat generally have little sense of history, and romantic love is an alien concept to them. (SCE eBook: Balance of Nature)

The Nasat made contact with the United Federation of Planets by the late 23rd century. (TAS episode: "The Jihad"). By the 24th century, they were members of the Federation, although many Nasat decided not to leave their homeworld.

Source: Star Trek Universe


Planet odf Origin: Andoria, The moon of a ringed gas giant Andor orbiting Epsilon Indi, a star located about 11.8 light years from Sol. Andoria is an ice world, with a human-breathable oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere. Andorian cities are underground and take their energy from geothermal activity. The cities are connected to each other by thousands of kilometers of tunnels. Only during rare heatwaves will the temperature on Andoria rise above freezing, and even then only for a few weeks at a time. During mid-summer, a temperature reading of -28° is not uncommon. (ENT: "The Aenar")

The Andorians are a humanoid species who developed the Andorian Empire, a space faring parliamentary democracy, lead by a chancellor. The Andorian Empire is a founding member of the United Federation of Planets in 2161.

Most Andorians are blue-skinned with white or silver hair. An Andorian subspecies called the Aenar had white skin, blind and telepathic. Both subspceies are genetically compatible. (ENT: "These Are the Voyages...") Andorians have two supercranial antennae that aid in balance. If one is lost it takes up to nine months to regrow. (ENT: "United")

Andorians are a militaristic race. They consider it an honor to serve in their Imperial Guard, and military rank greatly influenced social reputation. Deploring dishonesty -- and never fighting without reason -- Andorians are nonetheless capable of duplicity. Deeply emotional, passionate, even violent; they are not known for their charity or sympathy, but they place a high value on family. (TOS: "Journey to Babel"; TAS: "Yesteryear") Andorian weddings commonly require four people. Females enjoy an equal position in society. (ENT: "Proving Ground"; TNG: "Data's Day")

Source: Star Trek Universe.

jeudi 28 mai 2009


Slizardos are sentient amphibious reptilian bipeds who developed some degree of civilisation. Its level of development remains unknown but some specimens have been taken as servants by Skuxxoids mercenaries.
Source: Transformers Universe, The Gambler, Grimlock's New Brain,


Planet of Origin: Kapteyn 5, the fifth planet orbiting the Kapteyn's Star.
Over sixty intelligent species occupy many terrestrial and aquatic ecological niches on Kapteyn 5. The main Kapteynian species, which acts as negotiators and messengers between the others are avians. They are a metre and a half tall, with hard and dark bodies, wings, and beaked, large-eyed faces. Some are known to have psychokinetic powers.
They were conquered by the Caxtarids who enslaved the majority of the sixty sentient species that lived there, but exterminated four of the others and made deals with another eight. They also introduced a tribute system in which a percentage of the survivors were handed over, to be eaten or used as slaves.
Source: Doctor Who universe, Virgin New Adventures novel The Room with No Doors, by Kate Orman.


Planet of Origin: a world orbiting the star system Lalande 21185, 8 light years from Earth.

The Caxtarids are humanoids with metallic red hair and glowing red eyes, although exceptions are known to be green instead of red. They developed an aggressive and expansionnist space faring civilisation. Caxtarid Corporations are known to have conquered Kapteyn 5, home of more than sixty sentient kapteynian species including avians and butterfly people and have strip-mined a dozen inhabited worlds.

They were wiped out in the 26th century by a biological weapon they wanted to used against dissidents to the regime which went out of control destroyed DNA. They were experts in the creation of living torture machines and known for trading slaves.

Source: Doctor Who universe, Virgin New Adventures novels Return of the Living Dad and The Room with No Doors, both by Kate Orman and Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Seeing I, by Orman and Jonathan Blum.

mercredi 27 mai 2009


Planet of Origin: The Wirrn claim to originate from Andromeda (whether they mean the galaxy, the constellation, or a planet named "Andromeda" is unclear).
Wirrns are a colonial parasitic insectoid species which was driven from its homeworld or breeding colony by human settlers. They stand from two to three meters in legnht, and look like giant dark green wasp-like. Their bodies are a self-contained system, their lungs being able to recycle waste carbon dioxide. They live mostly in space, touching ground on planets for food, oxygen and breeding. The Wirrn's life cycle involves laying their eggs in living hosts. The larvae emerge to consume the host, absorbing its memories and knowledge. A Wirrn larva is a green slug-like creature, varying in size from a few inches to 1 or 2 metres across. It can "infect" another organism through contact with a substance it excretes, mutating them into Wirrn and connecting their consciousness to the hive mind.
Source: Doctor Who Universe. The Wirrn have made their debut in the 1975 Fourth Doctor story The Ark in Space. They also appeared in the Eighth Doctor Adventures novel Placebo Effect by Gary Russell, and in the audio play Wirrn: Race Memory, produced by BBV and the Big Finish audio story Wirrn Dawn by Nicholas Briggs. A dead Wirrn appears briefly in the Fourth Doctor story The Stones of Blood.

mardi 26 mai 2009


Planet of Origin: Krang Homeworld
The Krangs are a aggressive sentient feline species which developed an interstellar civilisation as of the 23th century. They have a strong militaristic culture and are bent on interstellar expansionnism. They were involved with mankind during the event known as the Krand War of Epsilon VII.
Krangs are bipedal, about two meters high, covered with brown fur. Their eyes are yellow with a red iris. Their hands and feet have four digits. They have a tail which seems to help them for balance.
Note: Krangs are very similar to the Kznti.
Source: Bravestarr

lundi 25 mai 2009


Sectoids are an advanced humanoid species which developed space travel. Sectoid Leaders and Sectoid Commanders are known to have psionic abilities. They are descending from the Aquatroids,with who they share webbed hand and feet.
The webbings on their feet and legs. They have cybernetic implants throughout the body, enhancing the strength of its atrophied limbs and the function of its organs. All race members of this race are identical which leads to beleive that the whole species is madeo of clones.
Source: X-COM series

dimanche 24 mai 2009


Planet of Origin: Orion, in the Orion Sector of the Milky Way
Orions are a sentient humanoid species wich looks outrageously like humans with a green or blue skin. Orion males are typically bald and, on average, taller and more muscular than an average Human male. In Orion society, the males are slaves to the females. However, to outsiders, they maintain the façade to the contrary. Orion females are very animalistic in nature and have highly potent pheromones which accelerate the metabolisms of males of many species, raising adrenaline production to dangerous levels which, ultimately, cans cause delusions and make victims susceptible to suggestion. The pheromones' effects are cumulative; the longer exposed, the more pronounced are the results. Females of other species react negatively to those same pheromones. Vulcans are immune to their effects.
The planet Orion was once a highly advanced civilization which seems to have fallen to a state of semi-barbarism. Little is known about the organization of the Orion government, or if indeed a central government exists. Orions maintain a facade of neutrality in their relations with other species neutrality but this has proven to be more of a guise than a reality, and was often used to cover shady operations. The first known Orion contact with Humans was made with Arik Soong during the 2130s. Most contacts take place on Verex III and the Orion colony, which are well-known trade centers. The primary entity operating within these confines was known as the Orion Syndicate, comprised of a conglomeration of traders, pirates and smugglers.
Source: Star Trek Universe, TOS: "The Menagerie, Part II"


Planet of Origin: Betelgeuse II. As their sun Betelgeuse was entering a later stage of life, the Betelgeusians have left their homeworld, and most of the species lives on space stations and starships.
The Betelgeusians are an avian species of seven-foot-tall humanoids descending from a race of leopard-like eagles. They have claw and bone-like structures like a condor, but walk upright. They have two mouths, one for speaking, and one for eating. Possessing a strong hunting drive, they needed to sublimate with both sports and other forms of competition. The were members of the United Federation of Planets in the 23rd century.
SOurce: Star Trek Universe, Star Trke Memory ALpha Wiki, Star Trek Memory Beta Wiki


Planet of Origin: Vulcan a red planet orbiting the star 40 Eridani A, 16 light years from Earth. A desertic and mountainous world, It is hotter and has a stronger surface gravity and a thinner atmosphere than Earth. It has been speculated that Vulcan could have been a planet settled by colonists or survivors of the planet Arret, a world originally Earth-like whose atmosphere was ripped away by a cataclysmic war fought half a million years ago (TOS "Return to Tomorrow").
Vulcans are a sentient humanoid species outrageously similar in appearance to humans - and are in face even genetically compatible with them. They have pointed ears and arched and upswept eyebrows. Although similary shaped, they are physically three times stronger, faster and longer-lived than humans, being known loo live over 200 years. Although ominovre by nature, they are vegetarians and are immune to the effects of alcohol, but become inebriated by ingesting chocolate. Being naturally very emotional people, Vulcans try to suppress emotions through mental discipline because of the damage they can cause if unchecked. About every seven years, Vulcans experience an overpowering mating drive known as pon farr. Vulcans must then have sexual contact with someone, preferably their mate, or face insanity and death. Without a mate available, Vulcans may survive by either deep meditation, violence or extreme shock. Most vulcans have contact-based telephathic abilities and can mind meld with most other species. Some have even been able to "cheat the grave" by implanting their katra, essentially their living essence or spirit, into an object or another person via a form of mind-meld just prior to death. Cases have been known of a vulcan successfully transferring his essence into a "katric ark" which remained hidden for 1,800 years.
Vulcan blood is copper-based and is copper- or rust-colored when deoxygenated in the veins and green when oxygenated in the arteries. Bruises and dermal abrasions therefore take on a green color. Vulcan body chemistry uses little, if any, sodium chloride compared to that of Humans. They are most comfortable in high temperatures. They can survive for several days without water and have inner eyelids which protect their eyes. They have a superior metabolism to Humans. Caffeine and sapotoxins have little effect on them. They are also capable of surviving for long durations without food or sleep. Under stress, Vulcans can do without sleep for weeks.
CIRCA the 4th century AD, civil wars and chaos were stopped by the philosopher Surak who preached the Great Awakening, the suppression of emotions in favor of logic. Much of Vulcan philosophies emerged from this period. Although most vulcans accepted Surak's message as the only way to put an end to the violence that was destoying their society, some opposed it, which lead to a nuclear war, of which Surak himself became a victim. In the end, those separatists were forced to leave the planet and would eventually resettle on Romulus, a world near Epsilon Phoenicis, some 140 light years form Earth, and become known as the Romulans. It would not be until the 20th century before the two groups meet again when a war erupted between the two groups circa 1994, that would last until 2044.
Around the same time, Vulcans made first contact with the Andorians. Although promising, their relations soured in time, turning to cold war, threatening both sides of mutual annihilation.
In 1957, Vulcans came to the solar system, witnessing the launch of Sputnik I, Earth's first artificial satellite. Their ship subsequently crashed on the planet, marooning the surviving crew members for a number of months in Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania. This trus first contact between Humans and Vulcans was never recorded as such as the Humans which stayed unaware of the alien nature of their guests. One Vulcan, Mestral, fascinated by humanity, chose to remain on Earth. To this day, his fate is unknown. It is not before April 5, 2063, that Vulcans and Humans made official first contact following the successful test of Earth's first warp-powered starship.; and in May of 2154, the Vulcan High Command considered a proposal for Vulcans and Humans to conduct joint space exploration missions. On August 12, 2161, Vulcan became one of the founding members of the United Federation of Planets.
Source: Star Trek, Wikipedia article on Vulcans

samedi 23 mai 2009


Planet of Origin: Altair IV, fourth planet orbiting the star Alpha Aquilae, or Altair, 16.7 light-years (98 trillion miles) from our Sun, is a rocky, terrestrial world. It supports Earth-like life due to its high-oxygen & nitrogen atmosphere, with a gravity slightly less than Earth's.
The Krell reached a stage of technological and scientific development so advanced that they were able to construct a machine with virtually unlimited power, a machine that turned their thoughts into reality, and enabled the Krell to eliminate instrumentality. The machine gave physical form and life to their Id. Combined with the power of their machine, the unbridled emotions of their Ids were able to eradicate the entire Krell race. This happened two thousand centuries ago.
The Krell are believed to have been frog-like in nature with two long legs and a big tail.
Source:1956 science fiction film, "Forbidden Planet"; 1979 CINEFANTASTIQUE Magazine Double-Issue (Volume 8 - Number 2 & Volume 8 - Number 3) MAKING FORBIDDEN PLANET - By Frederick S. Clarke and Steve Rubin
Note: The first picture shown here is of the Krell Machine. The second one shows a Krell door, it's shape tells a lot about the Krell's size and shape.

vendredi 22 mai 2009


Planet of Origin: Darama, a cold climate world, in the Milky Way galaxy
The Highbreed are an aggressive sentient bipedal species which developped and advances civilisation. They consider themselves as the highest life-form in the universe, believing that they were the first race to exist, and that all other races are vermin. They are determined to cleanse the universe of all races except themselves. They use the hybrid drones called DNAliens to do their menial work to avoid as much contact with other life-forms as possible.

The Highbreed are tall humanoid beings with white skin, four eye-like marks on their torsos, black hands and feet, fold-out wings on their back, and purple faces with four red eyes and no distinguishable mouth. Despite their arrogance they are unarguably very powerful and dangerous. They have remarkable physical strength and can even overpower aliens larger then themselves. Their fingertips can be fired like darts and quickly regenerate. They can open their chests and use appendages within to bring water up from deep underground. They do not operate well in warm climates, and quickly dehydrate when deprived of water. Their disgust of other lesser beings is not their only reason for cleansing the galaxy; generations of inbreeding have rendered the Highbreed sterile and extremely vulnerable to illness, and as a result their species is at the brink of extinction, though they do not wish to die alone. Being infused with DNA from random aliens at the beginning of the 21st century put an end to their extinction and brought them to a more peaceful attitude toward other species.
Source: Ben 10 universe

jeudi 21 mai 2009


The Necromorph is the designation given to an alien microbe generated on Eagis VII by the Red Marker, a prototypical reverse-enginnered construct based on the Black Marker alien artefact that was discovered on Earth.
The strategy employed by the virus is the rapid transformation of deceased organims into Necromorphs, a process called "Recombination" which initiates a rapid mutation in the host body: with a series of violent convulsions, the spine elongates to accommodate a pair of grasping arms that burst from the abdomen; the shoulders are contorted, and long scythe-like bones extend from the wrists. Other mutations are largely variable, including short tentacles, large tumorous growths, and corroded flesh. This is the main form of Necromorph, but many others exist, including tentacled baby-like creatures and heavily mutated crawling variants. In addition to the vaguely humanoid Necromorphs, there also exists an extensive presence of some biological material far too large to have been formed out of human bodies, and which vary greatly in physical composition. The largest of these is the Hive Mind, which is easily thousands of feet long and telepathically controls all other infected organisms.
Source: Dead Space


The Combine is a vast empire spanning multiple parallel universes. The empire is inhabited by an unknown number of sentient species, and appears to be governed by a race of bizarre, artificially evolved Advisors. The Combine expands its empire by invading worlds and enslaving the dominant species to be exploited as it sees fit. By manipulating these inhabitants through methods including bioengineering and implantation, the Combine creates a race of super-soldiers uniquely adapted for the environment of that particular world. This process results in a highly mobile and adaptive military force which is able to respond to any threat and crush any opposition. The reasons behind the Combine's imperialism remain unknown.
Source: Half-Life Universe, Combine Wiki

dimanche 17 mai 2009


Homeworld: unknown. Vortigaunt were part of the workforce of the Nihilanth organism when he fled his world to retreat on an artificial complex of asteroids called Xen near an unknown nebula in a unknown region of space that is believed to be in a universe adjacent to our own. Wether or not they are from our universe remains unknown.

Vortigaunts are very intelligent and social humanoids creatures. Having being under the rule of the Nihilanth for an unknown lenght, it is unknown what their oriignal evel of development might have been. On Xen, they are shown to have been used as factory workers and drones . Despite this, they have developed an intellectual culture, valuing poetry, music and philosophy, and also practised the husbandry of antlions, large insects that live in underground hives, as an ancestral tradition. The Vortigaunts believe in a binding life-force referred to as the "Vortessence", which they believe is the fabric of the universe, made of vortal cords, of which everything is woven . The Vortigaunts are able to read and control this force for their electrical powers, nearly hive-mind telepathy and, likely, their ability to take power from objects. They are also able to use the Vortessence to heal wound to an extent and keep the dying from passing on. They can use their powers coupled with "the extract" of Antlion larvae to bring the nearly dead back to life.

Vortigaunts possess their own method of vocal communication, "flux shifting". This method of communication involves both speakers vocalising at the same time and cannot be understood by other species who lack the auditory anatomy to interpret the sounds. In addition to standard conversation, flux shifting can be used by Vortigaunts to communicate over long distances.

In appearance, a Vortigaunt is a somewhat humanoid figure with two legs and two arms, but has an additional arm protruding from its thorax. Vortigaunts possess digitigrade legs, allowing them to move quickly. In addition, Vortigaunts have mottled green-brown skin, sharp teeth and clawed hands. Vortigaunts have a slightly hunched posture, and their faces are dominated by a large red eye. In Half-Life, this eye is surrounded by three to five smaller eyes. Vortigaunts are shown to possess strong nasal senses. Vortigaunts are not typically seen wearing clothing. Vortigaunts are depicted as meat eaters, but are believed to be omnivores.

Source: Half-Life Universe, Combine Wiki


The Chimera are a parasitic alien species of unconfirmed origin that colonised several worlds some 60 millions years ago and came to Earth at that time, when the Chimera or their creators were at war with another alien race. It is unknown what the outcome of this war was, but it left many artifacts behind on Earth and possibly shattered the Chimeran home planet. One of these artifacts is buried in Chicago. The object is neither Chimeran nor human technology, and is believed to be belong to the unknown race that had fought against the Chimera. Another such object is believed to have been at the Chicxulub Crater. Although artefacts still remain on Earht and possibly other nearby worlds, the Chimera are beleived to be extinct.

In a different timeline from our own, they were brought back to life in Siberia shortly after the Tunguska event starting The human forces initially believe the Chimera to be the result of a biological experiment gone wrong, but with the Chimeras' advanced technologies such as weather control, energy weapons, and force fields, it became obvious that the Chimera are extraterrestrial in origin. The Chimeran army expanded by infecting humans with a mutagenic virus that caused its victims to fall into a coma, then slowly transform into Chimera while inside cocoons. Intelligence reports speculated that more than one human body is needed for the larger strains of Chimera. The Chimera built conversion centers across their territory to both speed up this process, and create new breeds of Chimeran creatures. Large, jellyfish-like creatures, called Carriers, brought infected humans that have fallen into comas to these conversion centers. The Cimera soon started leaving the cocoons right in the cities where they were infected.

The American experiment named Project Abraham had Americans tested the chimeran virus on human subjects, and tried to inhibit the virus in some way. Some were alos tested with an ancient source of the virus coming from the Ancient Chimera that came to Earth more than 60 million years old.

Noted physical characteristics of the Chimera include having between two to six bright yellow eyes, greatly varied anatomies, and grayish-green skin. Their metabolism is another one of their more interesting aspects, as it is twelve times that of a normal human being. This enhanced metabolism grants them extraordinary regeneration abilities, speed, and strength.

The side effect of this trait is that their bodies tend to overheat, which literally cooks them from the inside out. In order to counteract this effect, Chimeran soldiers have artificial cooling devices implanted on their backs in order to survive. This suggests that Chimera are not being created under ideal conditions. The Chimera tend to thrive in very cold temperatures and there have been successful attempts by the Chimera to alter the Earth's climate to suit their needs. As a direct result, temperatures in certain locations such as London have been reduced to sub-zero temperatures, resulting in those areas being frozen during July. The biology of the Chimera is detailed even further in SRPA files XX458199 and DNA548781PA.

The genetic make-up of the Chimeran virus appears to have been specifically designed to attack and modify human genes, suggesting that there is something more to the Chimera than is already known. Chimera devour their own kind, usually their wounded or dead.

The Chimera are led by creatures called Angels (large, flying monsters with multiple limbs emanating from their backs and extending toward the front around their heads) which possess a telepathic link to the Chimeran soldiers. Without this link, the Chimera under that Angel's control rapidly begin to die off in a matter of days, or even minutes.

Angels take shelter in areas known as Chimeran towers which are massive spire like structures that are often hundreds of feet tall. It turns out that the towers are excavated rather than constructed as was originally believed. Something radical happened in the Gulf of Mexico 60 million year ago, which incapacitated all the towers that are scattered around the world. It is presumed that the Chicxulub event is linked to this due to a mysterious object being described by intel and the location in the Gulf.

Notes: Although looking quite different externally and behavorially, the Chimera share some characteristics, mainly the ability to genetically adapt themselves to other species to take them over, with the Kimera seen in the Earth Final Conflict TV series.

Source: Resistance Videogame, Resistance VideoGame Wiki

samedi 16 mai 2009


This unnamed massive sentient reptilian species developed an advanced civilisation and space travel. Some of its representative were present in human known space during the 23th century.
Sandstorm people are able to generate incredibly strong gusts of wind from their mouth which are able to pull back masses weighting up to a ton.
Source: Bravestarr

jeudi 14 mai 2009


Planet of Origin: New Texas, a planet 600 parsec from Earth
The Prairie People are the native sentient lifeform from the planet New Texas. They are peaceful primitive furry humanoids about a meter high bearing some similarities to Earth rodents that have integrated themselves with the planet colonists.
Prairie People have existed for at least a million years on the planet. At the time, the species was divided in two, the small prairie people who still exist, and a larger breed standing over 2 meters in height which has gone extinct at some point before the planet's colonisation by outworlders.
Source: Bravestarr

mercredi 13 mai 2009


Skates are a sentient humanoid species which has become subject of the interstellar Rulon Empire.
Source: Dinoriders


Hammerheads are a sentient humanoid species which became subjects of the interstellar Rulon Empire. Their head bears ressemblance to that of a hammerhead shark but they do not otherwise seem to share any other traits with the latter.
Source: Dinoriders.


Kroks are sentient humanoid saurians which have become subject of the interstellar Rulon Empire.
Source: Dinoriders


Antmen are sentient insectoid humanoids whose civilisation has become subject of the interstellar Rulon empire.
Source: Dinoriders


Vipers are sentient humanoid saurians which civilisation has become subject of the interstellar Rulon Empire and are used in their army.
Source: Dinoriders


Rulons are an aggressive humanoid batracian species which developed space faring technology and with it, expanded into an interstellar empire.
Rulons need to be immersed in water at all time and when offworld, always stay enclosed in hermetic suits that keep them wet.
Rulons have taken other civilisations under their dominion and use them as manpower and gunfodder. Among them the saurianVipers and Kroks, the insectoid antmen, the Skates and the hammerheads.
Source: Dinoriders