lundi 31 août 2009


Krites are malevolent carnivorous alien creatures that have the ability to roll into balls like hedgehogs and combine into a sphere. Krites resemble small furry/spiky animals with large mouths and many sharp teeth. The coloration of the Krites varies from black to brown and dark blue. Krites have endoskeletons, with two legs and two arms and three claws on each foot and hand. Its two eyes are red, with a vertical slit pupil. Like felines, Krites eyes are extremely adapt at seeing in the dark, and the light entering a Krites eyes can often reflect off its retinas, causing its eyes to appear to glow. The Krite's mouth spans almost from one side of its head to the other, with each jaw containing three rows of small razor sharp teeth. A Krite is a primarly carnivore but will eat almost anything. Arranged in a central vertical row along their back, Krites have quills. Made of keratin - the same substance human fingernails, each quill contains a neural toxin which causes its prey to become drowsy, disorientated, or paralysed.
While sentient and very cunning, their only goal in existence seems to simply eat and breed. It is unknown whether Krites have sexes but it is a known fact that they are oviparous. Krite embryos incubate in their eggs for a period of six months in temperate conditions or longer colder temperatures. A Krite egg is oval, approximately 15 cm in height. Its coloration can vary from brown, to brown with light green mottling, to a metallic dark green. Eggs have a hard outer shell like that of a birds, and are covered in an irregular pattern of raised interconnecting plates. A thick, sticky light green amniotic fluid fills the eggs, protecting the embryo from minor collisions during early development. A newly hatched Krite is roughly 15 cm in height, but grows rapidly. Even when newly hatched, an infant Krite is capable of capable of looking after itself, being able to bite through wood and move quickly. A fast metabolism allows Krites to quickly grow to adult size once fed. This growth can take merely a few hours. A full grown adult Krite stands between 30 to 40 cm. However, it has been known for a leader to emerge within a group. This alpha will give out special pheromones, identifying it as leader and is capable of increasing its metabolism, allowing it to rapidly increase size upon eating and grow to a height of around 1.70 m - about the same height as an adult human.
Krites are social creatures preferring to eat in groups. They will usually try to neutralise their prey before attacking them. If a Krite gets in trouble it will usually quickly try to escape from its aggressor. Instead of running, it will roll up into a ball and will roll away. If it is unable to escape from its aggressor, it will let out a cry to alert other Krites. This cry is very high frequency and is capable of shattering glass. While they are very primitive, somewhat anarchistic and only possess basic social structures, Krytes learn very fast and can assimilate complex tasks such as piloting complex vehicles and using advanced computers system. They also possess a language made of a collection of low, guttural sounds, throaty rasps and high pitched squeals.
Source: Critters movies

mardi 25 août 2009


Planet of Origin: Luphom in the Andromeda Galaxy
The Luphomoids were an aggressive humanoid species which developed a space faring military dictatorship. They have superior physical strenght and pale bluish skin.
Their homeworld was destroyed by the Galactus entity while they were trying to invade Xandar. Theur invasion failed but Xandar was destroyed in the process.
Source: Marvel Universe, Nova #1 (1976)


Planet of Origin: Xandar in the Trant system in the Andromeda Galaxy
The Xhandarians were a humanoid species closely ressembling humans which developed an highly advanced peaceful technological Constitutional monarchy. They have developed warp-drive starships, robots, cyborg, and cybernetic technology, energy weaponry, phase tube transportation technology, Stargate transportation technology and the soullinking technology known as the Worldmind.
They established the Nova Corps, a space militia and exploration division. It consisted of 500 soldiers ranging in rank from Corpsman up to Centurion and its leader, Centurion Nova Prime. The Corps also had a regiment of Syfon Warriors.
In the 1980ies, their planet was destroyed in the 1980ies during an attack by the Luphomoids. Xandarian civilization survived within the Xandar Cluster, an interconnected field of asteroids that housed the surviving domed cities of what was once the planet of Xandar.
The Nova Corps opened to more members and expanded its protective range to include the entire Andromeda Galaxy and Earth. They are also known as the Xandarian StarCorps. The Xandarian Queen, in the role of Prime Commandant, had ultimate authority of the Nova Corps.
They used an energy source called the Nova-Force, which all Nova Centurions wield and which came from the Worldmind, Xandar's primary source of knowledge, energy and power.
The Xandarians have preserved the minds of their deceased brothers and sisters, linking them together in the Worldmind, creating a governing system unlike any across the Universe. The Worldmind served as a Multiple Mind Democracy using the knowledge of it´s deceased citizens to make decisions for Xandar and the Nova corps.
The Worldmind contains and controls the Nova Force, the cosmic energy that provides the Nova Corps and its members with extraordinary abilities. Those abilities consist of the ability of flight, super strenght and a connection to the Worldmind itself. Those who are higher ranked in the Nova corps can tap into more powers such as the ability to open stargates, energy blasts and the release of a brief but devastating electromagnetic burst.
The Xandar Cluster withstood several failed invasions among them, one of the Skrulls, with whom they had previously maintained good terms (which allowed them to develop independantly within the Skrull's galaxy) but resisted until 2008 when they were wiped out , along with the Nova Corps by the Annihilation Wave.
The Worldmind managed to survive the destruction of the Cluster by downloading itself in the mind of the Corps's only survivor and later merged with the sentient wandering planet Ego.
Source: Marvel Universe, Fantastic Four #204 (1979)


Planet of Origin: Strontia in the Triangulum Galaxy
The Strontians are humanoids with a purplish skin pigmentation, which look externally a lot like humans. They possess exceptional cognitive abilities that allow them to achieve what ever they believe. This makes them potentially extremely powerful and invulnerable to most harm. Their abilities has been known to manifest itself in extreme cases in traits like superhuman strength allowing them to life several hundred tons, speed, reflexes, stamina; durability allowing them to withstand the blast of a supernova; heat vision stated as hotter than the heart of stars; frost breath and warpspeed flight capacities. Whatever their power's level, they remain vulnerable to a certain form of rare radiations.
They are a proud race of warriors who valued nothing above honor and duty. This made their fealty to the Shi'ar, under whose rule they live, was without question. While they possess an advanced civilisation, the extend of what they actually developed and what was brought to them by the Shi'ar remains unknown.
Source: Marvel Universe, the first strontian to appear in media was Gladiator of the Shi'ar Imperial Guard in X-Men #107 (1977) . His species was not presented though until War of Kings Warriors #1, 2009)

jeudi 13 août 2009


Badi is a diminutive humanoid from a species that developed a space faring civilisation. He is the only specimen of his kind known to have visited Earth. He spent some days studying mankind in Istanbul, Turky in 1983. His species has potent telekynetic powers.
Source: Badi, a Zafer Par film written by Baris Pirhasan.


Planet of Origin: Kuruku
The kurukans are an advanced humanoid species who developed a peaceful spacefaring civilisation. Despite their faster-than-light technology they are non-expansionnist, limiting themselves to observation of other culture and occasional interaction. They possess powerful psionic powers and a very strong trickster attitude, always making pranks, among themselves and while visiting other culture.
They are known to have visited Earth at least one time during winter1971, when one of their kind came to the Quebec countryside of eastern Canada.
Source: The Christmas Martian / Le martien de Noel, a Bernard Gosselin movie, written by Roch Carrier, with Marcel Sabourin as the Martian.

lundi 10 août 2009


Planet of Origin: Planet Plant (Vegeta)
The Tuffles were a highly advanced technological race of humanoids. Despite their incredible technologies, the Tuffles were largely a docile race and held no aggression towards each other or other races, nor did they suffer from overpopulation.
At some point, Sayians made contact with them, brought to the planet by a spaceship after the destruction of their own world. Contact between the two culture was minimal for nearly a century. The Tuffles lived in their advanced cities in the more fertile areas of the Planet, while the Saiyans lived in tribes in the badlands.
Then, a Sayian leader declared war on the Tuffles with the intent of eradicating them. The Saiyans had greater strength but possessed far fewer numbers, while the more numerous Tuffles had a clear technological advantage. The war was brought to a sudden end by the occurance of a once in a century astronomical vent, the full moon. Its appearance transformed the entire Sayian race into their feral Great Ape forms and in a single night the Tuffles were annihilated. Taking what interested them of their technology the Saiyans established their own society amidst the ruins of the Tuffle civilization.
Source: Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama.


Planet of Origin: A planet orbitint the star Makyo
Makyo-sejin's were the natives of the Makyo star before it's destruction. There were only a few survivors. A possible cause of the star's destruction was the creation of a portal to the dead zone. The mayko-sejins are dwarf-sieze humanoids with no hair and pointed ears. Their skin can be any color. They have the ability to turn into superstrong giants for short period of time. They where a peaceful race but easily aggravated. There whereabouts of any other survivors of the stars destruction is unknown and they are presumed extinct.
Source: Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama.

dimanche 9 août 2009


Planet of Origin: Arlia, a planet with a thick atmosphere.
Arlians were a bipedal insectoid species who were wiped out by the Saiyans. They were a sexuate species, divided in male and female.
Note: Arlians only appear in the anime version of the DragonBall saga, not in the original manga.
Source: Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama.


Planet of Origin: Kanassa, a rocky and barren planet with 3 moons.
Kanassans are a race of reptilian humanoids. They are said to possess psychic abilities, including being able to read minds and see into the future. The interstellar dictator Frieza ordered their extermination out of paranoia that they could become a threat to him.
Source: Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama.

samedi 8 août 2009


Planet of Origin: The Planet Namek (Namekusei) is in a trinary star system.
The Nameks are an advanced species looking somewhat like green skinned humanoids with antennae. Photosynthetic, they can sustain themselves on water and sunlight. Their blood color is purple. Tehir thick skin is capable of shielding them from extreme drops in temperature, the ability of healing themselves and regenerating body parts instantly, as long as their brains are intact. A Nameks' body and limbs are also extremely flexible. They can elongate their arms and legs at will. With considerable effort, they are even able to grow many times their size. Nameks acheive maturity in a matter of 3 to 5 years but can live for hundreds of years showing only minimal apparent aging.They are genderless and reproduce asexually by spitting out an egg. The parent has some control over the genetic make up of his offspring, thus avoid making perfect genetic copies of himself. Nameks are telepathically linked to their offspring and can reach them from seemingly anywhere, as well as sense their deaths.
Nameks demonstrate much stronger sense of hearing and intuition than humans. Like Saiyans, Nameks are more adept at manipulating ki than humans, granting them superhuman strength and speed, as well as the art of flying and the ability to shoot concussive blasts. They also possess some Telekinesis and telepathy. They can create objects out of thin air.
Some nameks have demonstrated the ability to manipulate the very soul of beings, preventing souls from going to the afterlife, forcing them to remain in limbo and to incarnate their own soul into another being, essentially possessing them. It is also likely that in Namek fission, the soul is shared between the two new Nameks.
Nameks are able to permanently fuse themselves with other members of their race. When this is done one of the Nameks serve as the base and gains the skills, memories and many of the personality traits of the other. It is unknown what happens to the soul of the fused Namek, but it is hinted that the other soul simply remain with the body until it perishes, or that, at least, the personality and memories are, to some extent, present within the host being.
A single Namek can also split into different copies of himself. Both copies are then able to read each others thoughts, and if one dies the other would as well. However, if one half were to die and give life to another Namek, the other half would remain intact.
Nameks are philosophical warriors, being broadly divided into two classes: fighters and healers. They had developed a space-faring civilisation but did not seem to have had any exapnsionnist ideas.
A generation after a planetwide cataclysm left only about 100 Nameks alive on their homeworld, The Namek planet was destroyed by the interstellar dictator Frieza. The survivros were transported to Earth before resettling on New Namek.
Source: Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama.


The Saiyans are a naturally aggressive warrior humanoid species. Most of the Saiyans were exterminated by galactic overlord Frieza after Goku was born. With only few survivors, they are functionally extinct. Fighting is a huge part in the Saiyan race. Most Saiyans spend most their entire life training to become stronger, so they can prove themselves in battle.
The Saiyan homeworld was destroyed by an out of control Super Saiyan while the species was still barabaric. Some manage to escape to the nearby planet Plant (or Vegeta) where the Tuffles lived. While their world was moonless, they were Exposed to their adoptive planet's full moon and they changed into gigantic ape-like creature that destroyed everything in their path and wiped out the Tuffles. Returning to their normal self, they began to learn and use the Tuffles' advanced equipment and became somewhat smarter and less barbaric, but they still lusted for battle. The Saiyans were hired by Frieza,a powerful galactic dictator whose dominion stretched over seventy-nine or more planets to exterminate the populations of other planets, preparing them for sale.
Frieza destroyed the Saiyan's new planet out of fear the Saiyans might rise up against him.
Saiyans are typically aggressive and stubborn with an explosive short temper. They display an enjoyment for fighting and challenging opponents during battle, often letting their emotions get the better of them when aroused in stimulating situations, leading to rash decisions on their part.
With the exception of their monkey-like tails, all Saiyans have an outward appearance identical to humans but with a larger, muscular build and black hair. A Saiyan's hair never changes length or style once it has fully grown.
Once full grown, their aging slows down.
Saiyans display a wide array of special abilities, possessing incredible natural strength, ki energy manipulation, superhuman agility and reflexes, heightened sensitivity to smell, hearing, and vision, and all are naturally born to fight.
Saiyans are incredibly strong, even at young age, easily lifting objects in the hundreds and thousands of kilos. Their strength is explained by their physiology and the gravity on Planet Vegeta, ten times the Earth's normal gravity, thus granting them correspondingly greater strength in Earth gravity and similar environments.
Without any form of training, a Saiyan can outrun any living thing or motorized vehicle without trouble. Their reflexes are so fast that they can avoid a bullet with ease. This agility can also be displayed in their fighting skills, as their movements occur in a fraction of a second, rendering them invisible to human eyes.
Saiyans have developed their Ki, the substance of personal energy formed into a combination of kinetic, light, and heat energies, to accommodate numerous types where they may utilize this power, such as flight, energy release and bombardment. Saiyans can increase their ki by fighting longer or by training intensively. Due to their genetic make-up, internal ki reserves are also exponentially greater than an average human.
Like humans, following intensive training, a Saiyan's strength and internal energy increases, albeit at a more accelerated rate. In addition, a Saiyan increases in power at an exponential rate after recovering from injuries, especially life-threatening ones. This form of regeneration appears to be a dominant Saiyan gene.
The Saiyans' most visually impressive trait is the ability to transform into a Great Ape (大猿, Ōzaru?), a giant were-ape with tremendous power, somewhere around ten times that of a normal Saiyan. This form, however, has a number of drawbacks, namely the loss of rational thought, although with enough practice, a Saiyan can keep his or her mind intact, yet this is not usually seen outside of the Saiyan warrior elite. Secondly, this form is only accessible in the presence of a full moon, or through artificial means, such as the "Blutz" wave emitter. Unfortunately, this transformation can be negated by the complete removal of the Saiyan's tail.
Nearly all Saiyans possess a monkey-like tail in appearance and covered in brownish fur. It is a particularly sensitive area for Saiyans when grabbed, temporarily immobilizing their body. However, some Saiyans can train themselves to overcome this weakness, becoming no more fragile than any other limb. It will also cut itself off from the body in a time of danger, similar to how a lizard's tail detaches itself as a form of self-defense. The tail is very prehensile, and can be used to grasp things like many other primates. A Saiyan with a tail gains more power than one without a tail. The tail also provides a unique gift in that it allows a Saiyan to transform into a Great Ape and potentially a Golden Great Ape. If the tail is removed, this power is lost. Some Saiyans have the ability to grow back their tails at various times, but at some point in life this regenerative ability is lost.
The pinnacle of Saiyan power is without a doubt the Super Saiyan evolution and its subsequent levels, all granting increasingly enormous power to the Saiyan who achieves this extraordinary feat.
Source: Dragon Ball created by Akira Toriyama.

mardi 4 août 2009


Planet of Origin: Valeth Skettra
The Valetheske are vicious nomadic carnivore species who developed slower-than-light space technology and built a small interstellar empire a billion years ago. They are furry bipeds, vaguely humanoids, with strong ressemblances to terran fox and strogner than most humans. All their behaviors are motivated by the urge to hunt and reproduce. Their development was loosely shephered by the much more advanced Khorlthochloi who in the end wiped them through a specially tailored virus as they believed them to aggressive. The few survivors rebuilt they could of their culture, and, in cryogenically induced susprended animation, set out on a quest hunt to find and destroy the Khorlthochloi, whom they previously worshipped as Gods.
A ship on a such a mission was encountered by mankind on the human colony of Eknur IV in 2994. They devasteted the planet and left.
On their homeworld of Valeth Skettra, while most were turned hunters, but there were also farmers of cattle animals used as prey a cast of technicians and scientists, whom the majority of the Valethske distrusted, but tolerated because they provided them with the technology necessary for their expansion. They were responsible for the development of space technolgy, wepon technology, cryogeny and the synthesis of artificial flesh for emergencies.
Valethske religion is centered around the belief that hunters go to the Hall of the Dead after death. Valethske worship a female hero named Azreske and must undergo a ceremonial rite of passage known as the Ten Trials of Azreske when they come of age in order to become hunters.
Most Valetheske are unable to resist the lure of live prey and cannot control their bloodlust.
They resort to cannibalism, often as a means of execution.
Source: Doctor Who universe. The Valetheske name's was first briefly mentioned in 1998 in the Dry Pilgrimage, a novel by Paul Leonard and Nick Walters but the species itself, seen for the first time in 2001 in Superior Beings by Nick Walters.

samedi 1 août 2009


The Khorlthochloi are an advanced species who developed a space faring civilisation and went extinct around a billion years ago.
They are said to have looked like gigantic mountain sized ebony giants with eyes of fire, to have been extremely long lived and to have guided the development of lesser species. They were believed to be quite powerful. Through the course of their evolution, they left their bodies to exist solely in the astral realm and created the Garden planet where their bodies were being cared for in suspended animation should they want ot come back to them. At some point, an astral threat forced them to return to their bodies but their nervous systems were so highly evolved and fragile that they rejected them andm unable to return to physicality, the Khorlthochloi were wiped out by their astral adversary. Their bodies degraded in time, spawning large cow-sized insects.
It is said that they tried to settle on Earth a billion years ago, but were somehow stopped.
Source: Doctor Who universe, first mentionned in2001 in (PDA: Superior Beings) , a novel by Nick Walters and in 2004 in (PDA: Synthespians™) a novel by Craig Hinton


The Sentience is an alien powerful non-corporeal vampiric energivore lifeform of unknown origin. It is able to send out column of energy from its central point which can change shape to help interaction with its prey and facilitate feeding.
It is also able to possess corporeal lifeforms and set up a forcefield. At its most powerful, it can travel through time and space at great speeds.
The Sentience was trapped inside Earth as it formed, some 4.6 billions years ago. Except for a briIt laid dormant until 1968, when a radio telescope was built in Crook Marsham, UK, on top of where it was. This increase in both population and energy woke up the Sentience, and it started to feed on the town'S inhabitants. It was able to leave Earth and went to a supernova in the Andromeda Galaxy, but was trapped when it turned into a black hole.
Source: Doctor Who universe, Nightshade, (Novel by Mark Gatiss), Doctor Who Wikia.


Krynoids are bulky, rootless mobile carnivorous plants covered in tentacles about 20 meters in diameter. Though they have a high tolerance to the cold, high temperatures can damage them. While they can sustain themselves through photosynthesis once they've acheived adult size, they require animal proteins while they are young, in order to mature.
They start as small pods about 20 centimetres in diameter. Most of which are launched into space in pairs by full grown parents. Once a pod reaches a planet and is exposed to both sunlight and temperate atmospheric conditions, it starts to grow. If a creature comes too close to it, it opens up and releases a long shoot, which grabs onto the victim and infects it, feeding from it and gowing on it. The krynoid will slowly take control of its victim's nervous system, controlling it and assimilating its memories, as it partially relies on its victim for its own sentience. Krynoids also have psychic powers, being able to control some vegetal lifeforms.
Given sufficient nurrishment, Krynoids can grows quickly, reaching the size of a house within hours. At this stage, they can control plants and will aggressively kill any creatures in their path. Reaching adult size, it will germinate, creating more pods to populate the planet. When to planet has been completely colonised, it will start shooting its pod into space.
Two Krynoid pods are known to have arrived on Earth in Antarctica, approximately 20,000 years ago and laid dormant until the 1970s, when discovered by a scientific expedition. One pod hatched after being thawed out by an ultraviolet lamp, and infected Charles Winlett, one of the Human scientists which had found it. The other one was brought to Chase Mansion, in Britain, the home of botanist Harrison Chase. Chase allowed the pod to infect one of his scientists, Arnold Keeler. This second Krynoid grew to gigantic size and developed a psychic link with Chase, who agreed with its belief that plants should be dominant over animals. The Krynoid was destroyed when UNIT bombed the mansion in an aerial attack.
Source: Doctor Who universe, The Seeds of Doom, Doctor Who Wikia.

THE 456

The 456 are aliens named after the radio frequency they are using to communicate with mankind, and with whom the British Government secretly negotiated in 1965 and again in 2009. In 1965, they extorted twelve children in return for a cure to an Earth-bound virus which was about to mutate.
In Spring 2009, one member of the species demanded that 10% of the world's children were to be given as a gift, or else the entire human race would be wiped out, presumably by viral warfare. After 5 days of negociations, when the governements were about to give in, they were defeated using radio waves when the frequency of one of their previous transmissions was reversed and turned it into a weapon against them, driving them away from Earth.
The 456 stand around two meters in height, its body consists of three "heads", connected to one body via three long necks. They thrived in an atmosphere made up of 25% nitrosyl chloride, 22% hydrogen chloride, 20% nitrogen, 12% fluorine, 9% hydrogen cyanide, 6% acetone, and 6% phosgene. They are known to emit a viscous green fluid in moments of high frustration; but it remains unknown if this is a natural reaction or a side effect of drug use.
The 456 is known to incorporated the bodies of human children into its own because of a chemical they produce that they use like a drug, the reason for which they wanted human children. According to the 456 themselves, these children 'feel no pain', and 'live long beyond their natural span'. Over a 45 years period, a children used by the 456 did not appear to have physically grown, although they are wizened perhaps mutated in some way and appear to be aware of their surroundings and their own condition; they breathe using respirators. It remains unknown if the behaviors of the 456 who came to Earth represents that of the whole species or isolated specimens.
Source: Doctor Who universe, Torchwood Season 3, First appearance "Children of Earth: Day Three", Doctor Who Wikia.