Have aliens visited Earth? We dont know. But Vulcans, E.T. and Martians have invaded Pop Culture.
mercredi 26 décembre 2012
dimanche 16 septembre 2012
Presumed planet of origin: a planetoid in an asteroid belt located in the Gamma Canaris star system, less than 1000 ly from Earth, possibly a remnant of a planet breakup. It is one of 7000 bodies in the asteroid belt, 34 % of which had some type of atmosphere. The composition of the planetoid is iron and nickel, and it had an atmosphere that consisted primarily of oxygen and nitrogen with traces of krypton, argon, and neon. The general surface temperature was 75 °F. Gravity was 1G.
Only one representative of this species is known. The Companion is a non humanoid lifeform composed chiefly of ionized hydrogen and electricity. It appeared as a gaseous, vaguely sparkling cloud of yellow, orange, and red.It is able to communicate via telepathy with willing to do so. It has the ability to rejuvenate organic life, and inhibit the aging process, disperse or teleport itsel, produce material objects, including food and water and manipulate objects through telekynesis, produce electric discharges. It can also merge with a humanoid, creating a joined entity. In doing this, the creature sacrifices its immortality and most of its other powers.
Source: Star Trek universe, (TOS: "Metamorphosis")
jeudi 13 septembre 2012

The Minotaurs are a minotaur-like humanoid species that developed a parasitic spacefaring civilisation on an interstellar scale. Parasitic by nature, they fed on the faith of other life forms and survived by descending on primitive planets, setting themselves up as gods to feed on the worship of the natives. They could not feed on a person who held no strong beliefs. After a while when species became advanced, they usually managed to expell them upon realising their true nature.
A more dangerous offshoot of the species, called Nimon, could effectively drain not only faith but the very life force of their victim and could shoot blasts of energy from their horns. The Nimons were able to consume to extinction the population of an entire world within a few years. As their food source got scarce, they would look for another planet ripe for conquest and draining. A scout would descend on a planet, representing itself as a god with gifts of advanced technology and start to construct a maze-like Power Complex designed to generate a portal back to the Nimons' current planet. The Nimons would then migrate en masse to the new planet using capsules sent through the portal, drain that world dry and look for the next, continuing the cycle they referred to as the Great Journey of Life.
They are said to have been one of many races that participated in the Millennial War some 150 million years ago against the Mad Mind of Bophemeral where they collaborated with the Osirians in dropping quantum collapsers on the insane computer intelligence. (PDA: The Quantum Archangel). At some point after the third millenium, after having drained the planet Crinoth, all traces of them was lost while they were travelling via their their portal toward their next prey, the planet Skonnos.
Source: Doctor Who universe, (DW: The Horns of Nimon) (DW: The God Complex)

They Yirbek are reptilian bipeds which developed an spacefaring civilisation and built a small interstellar empire before being conquered by the Skrulls some centuries before the third millenium. They have since then been used by their masters as mercenaries in minor galactic conflicts.
Source: Marvel universe, Created by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Paul Laiken, Jack Kirby and Don Heck.
Avengers #14 ( march 1965)
The Husnock were an highly agressive species which developed and interstellar civilisation in the Milky Way galaxy with a population of over fifty billion before being eradicated in a split second by a Douwd after they had wiped out an Earth colony on which it was secretly living in 2366.
Source: Star Trek Universe (TNG: "The Survivors")
Source: Star Trek Universe (TNG: "The Survivors")
The Douwd are a peaceful immortal extragalactic uncorporeal species, self-described as "beings of disguises and false surroundings". Through their uncanny psychic powers, they have the ability to
create and destroy on an interstellar scale and maybe more. Although they can't bring people back to life, they can make illusionary recreations of them. Although seamingly nearly omnipotent, they are not omniscient.
One Douwd has been known to travel the Milky Way,sometimes under the form of a human in the course of the 24th century. During that time, he destroyesd the Husnock civilisation after they had wiped out a human colony on which he was living.
Source: Star Trek universe, (TNG: "The Survivors")
dimanche 9 septembre 2012
dimanche 17 juin 2012
Planet of Origin:Goldilocks planet, in the Milky Way galaxy
The Battleship aliens are a sentient species that developed an advanced civilisation with space faring capacity.
are vaguely humanoid. Their hands have four opposable finger and their
feet have clawed tows. They sport both mammal and reptilian features,
Their face is vageuly humanlike but with less pronounced features, They
are blad but possess a set of spikes all over their chin that looks that
is reminiscent of a goatee beard. They are sensitive to bright lights and dislike daylight such as we have on Earth.
A scouting party came to Earth in
2012 in response to a signal from mankind had been received on their
homeworld. Their goal was to establish if the planet was worth
settlement. This invasion force which landed near Hawai was disposed off
by the humans.
Source: Battleship movie
mercredi 13 juin 2012
The Precursors are a non humanoid sentient species that developed an advanced spacefaring civilisation. Their civilization was based around the
Mantle, a
belief hat it was their
role to protect all life in the galaxy. They
presumably monitored the evolution of other sentient species throughout
the galaxy, intervening in ways that ensured their civilizations would
follow paths of peace, free of conflict. They were chased and destroyed by one of those younger species, the forerunners, in a war that took place some 150 000 years ago, presumably upon learning that they had chosen the humans as heirs to the Mantle instead of them. The Precursors unleashed the Flood to avenge this act of agression.
Precursors are believed to be"very large", with 4 upper limbs and 2 legs. Also having an "ugly head shaped like arthropods"
- like spiders or crabs or scorpions - they have oval,
faceted slanted eyes and a "flat face". Coming from the back of the head
is a long tail with a 2 meter barb coming out of it but no visual record of individuals of the species exist as of now.
Planet of Origin: Ghibalb, a planet located in the outer edges of the Orion complex. Once a beautiful, verdant paradise of a planet, it was cleansed of all life when an experiment in stellar engineering accidentally caused several nearby stars to supernova. It is now heavily irradiated and uninhabitable.
The Forerunners are a sentient species that developed an advanced FTL interstellar civilisation and praticed world building. They are responsible for construction of the 2 Arks structures that are used to ringworld-type fortress (from 10 000km to 30 000km in diameters) that formed the Halo array around the galaxy. The Array was designed to kill all sentient life in the galaxy which was not protected inside specially designed Dyson-type shield worlds and therefore rid the Milky Way of the Flood parasitic lifeform.
While not record of the Forerunner's appearance remains, their battle armors show them to have a humanoid shape disturbingly close to the human form.
A very advanced civilization, they came to power after the destruction of another race, known to them as the Precursors.
The Forerunner believed that the Precursors were responsible for their
creation. Soon after, the
Forerunners became the dominant species in the galaxy, their empire
spanning over three million fertilized and inhabited worlds. The
Forerunners reached their peak before activating the Halo Array around 100,000 years ago in the closing days of the Forerunner-Flood war.
Their civilization was based around the
Mantle, a
belief they inherited this belief from the Precursors that it was their role to protect all life in the galaxy. They
presumably monitored the evolution of other sentient species throughout
the galaxy, intervening in ways that ensured their civilizations would
follow paths of peace, free of conflict. One such occasion is the
devolution of the prehistoric human empire officially to prevent further conflict emanating
from what they considered a "violent species" some 110 000 years ago, but officiously to prevent them from taking their rightful place as the Precursor's heirs to the Mantle. After their superiority was insured, the Forerunners reached a point of disarmament, believing
they no longer needed weapons in their rule of the galaxy, which
ultimately weakened them when the Flood attacked.
When the Forerunners were unable to contain the Flood outbreak,
the galaxy entered a state of war. However, all their tactics, were they to turn star novae to eradicate infected systems, proved only to slow, but never stop the
expansion of the Flood. They realized that the only
way to stop the Flood was to deprive it of any and all hosts, thus
eliminating its potential to grow. Eventually, the Forerunners created
the Halo Array,
a weapon of last resort designed to starve the Flood to death by
killing all sentient life with enough biomass to sustain them. 100 000 years ago, after having
exhausted every alternative, they ctivated the Halo array, killing
themselves and all sentient life of sufficient biomass in the Milky Way, with the exception of those species safely placed on the Ark. After the Array was fired and the Flood had been eliminated, the
Forerunners left behind an automated system of automatons, much like the
Sentinels, and AIs to spearhead the reseeding of the galaxy with those
data logs, embryos, and specimens contained on the Ark.
The Forerunners are adored like gods by the alien league known as the Covenant. The fact that the Forerunners appeared to be genetically related to the humans explains why the Covenant seeks to exterminate
humanity, knowing that they are the Forerunner's designated heirs and
would undermine their power.
samedi 9 juin 2012
The Engineers are a sentient
species which developed an advanced space faring civilisation, became
expert in bioengineering. They look like two meters tall white skinned
overmuscled bald humans with dark eyes. Their DNA matches that of Earth's humans.
They are believed to have seeded other worlds and influenced the development of other lifeforms.
are believed ot have come to Earth at some point in the distant past, as some cave paintings and carvings clearly state by showing the position of what is believed to be either their homeworld or their nearest outspost thru primitive starmaps. It is to be noted that those starmap represent the same stars configuration as the ones found on the starmap drawn by Betty Hill under hypnosis after having been supposedly abducted by aliens from Zet Reticuli.
Some conjecture that they may have either:
A) created mankind or influenced its development by spreading their DNA in Earth's water with the help of a mutagen agent of their making
B) been responsible, by the same means, of bringing life to Earth.
The seeding of Earth, whenever it took place and whatever its effects were, was done through a ritual suicide of an Engineer ingesting a grey goo, a mutagen compound which dissociated its cellular structure in a matter of seconds. Its remnants then flowed in Earth's running water. Theories suggest that this took place at Victoria's waterfalls in Africa.
Other theories say that they sent an emissary to Earth 2000 years ago to ensure that humanity was on right path and that he was crucified. They then decided to wipe out the human species as it was deemed dangerous.
Other theories, taking the Barney and Betty Hill abduction as evidence, reject that the Engineers wanted to wipe out humanity as they seem ot have visited the place with purely scientific purposes in the late 20th century.
The Engineers are known to have possessed a research facility dedicated to bioengineering and bioweaponry on the planet known to humans as LV-223 (as indicated on primitve starmaps found on Earth), one of three moons of a ringed gas giant, orbiting the star Gleise 86, some 35 light years aways from Earth. It is believed that, they had plans were made to wipe out all life on Earth and start anew by bombing the planet with grey goo containers 2000 years ago. The project was put to a stop when something went wrong with their creation and the whole colony was wiped out. Another Engineer ship is known to have crashed on Acheron (LV-426) the second of three natural satellites that orbit the gas giant Calpamos, the fifth planet from the star Zeta 2 Reticuli, some 37 light years away from Earth. If this ship came from LV-223, while most likely, remains unknown. Rather than transporting grey goo pods in its cargo bay, it was transporting Xenomorph eggs. Wether those eggs had been placed there by Engineers of Xenomorphs remains subject to debate.
Source: Prometheus movie, Alien / Predator Universe , Xenopedia Entry
Some conjecture that they may have either:
A) created mankind or influenced its development by spreading their DNA in Earth's water with the help of a mutagen agent of their making
B) been responsible, by the same means, of bringing life to Earth.
The seeding of Earth, whenever it took place and whatever its effects were, was done through a ritual suicide of an Engineer ingesting a grey goo, a mutagen compound which dissociated its cellular structure in a matter of seconds. Its remnants then flowed in Earth's running water. Theories suggest that this took place at Victoria's waterfalls in Africa.
Other theories say that they sent an emissary to Earth 2000 years ago to ensure that humanity was on right path and that he was crucified. They then decided to wipe out the human species as it was deemed dangerous.
Other theories, taking the Barney and Betty Hill abduction as evidence, reject that the Engineers wanted to wipe out humanity as they seem ot have visited the place with purely scientific purposes in the late 20th century.
The Engineers are known to have possessed a research facility dedicated to bioengineering and bioweaponry on the planet known to humans as LV-223 (as indicated on primitve starmaps found on Earth), one of three moons of a ringed gas giant, orbiting the star Gleise 86, some 35 light years aways from Earth. It is believed that, they had plans were made to wipe out all life on Earth and start anew by bombing the planet with grey goo containers 2000 years ago. The project was put to a stop when something went wrong with their creation and the whole colony was wiped out. Another Engineer ship is known to have crashed on Acheron (LV-426) the second of three natural satellites that orbit the gas giant Calpamos, the fifth planet from the star Zeta 2 Reticuli, some 37 light years away from Earth. If this ship came from LV-223, while most likely, remains unknown. Rather than transporting grey goo pods in its cargo bay, it was transporting Xenomorph eggs. Wether those eggs had been placed there by Engineers of Xenomorphs remains subject to debate.
Source: Prometheus movie, Alien / Predator Universe , Xenopedia Entry
Note 1: It is interesting to note that the Ancient Humanoids presented in the Star Trek Universe had a similar seeding program. For the little that was seen of them, they also shared some ressemblance with the Engineers. The beings are said to be presumably the first humanoid species to evolve in the Milky Way galaxy, some four and a half billion years before the common era. Their true name lost since time immemorial, they have also come to be known as the Ancient Progenitors, and the Galenites, a name derived from the man whose work led to their discovery, Dr. Richard Galen. (TNG: "The Chase", Star Trek: Dark Horizon, Star Trek: Pendragon) During the height of their existence, they explored the galaxy,
but found no lifeforms like themselves. Realizing that their species
would one day cease to be, they seeded many primordial planets with the
building blocks of life, encoding the DNA so that it would evolve into forms similar to their own. Earth was one such planet.
Note 2: It is also interesting to note that in the film Mission to Mars, the martians are revealed to have seeded Earth with thesame results - while the method is not show - before they were to depart the solar system to populate other worlds at the time Mars was to be hit by a giant asteroid, as shown here. For waht was seen of them, the martians were humanoid but apart from that, did not look that much like humans or engineers.
Note 2: It is also interesting to note that in the film Mission to Mars, the martians are revealed to have seeded Earth with thesame results - while the method is not show - before they were to depart the solar system to populate other worlds at the time Mars was to be hit by a giant asteroid, as shown here. For waht was seen of them, the martians were humanoid but apart from that, did not look that much like humans or engineers.
mercredi 6 juin 2012
Planet of Origin: Tarn-Vedra, in the Andromeda Galaxy
The Vedrans are an advanced species that developed an advanced FTL space-faring expansive civilisation.
They are responsible for founding the Vedran Empire and later the Systems Commonwealth. which span the Andromeda galaxy, the Milky Way and the Triangulum Galaxy.
They resemble blue skinned centaurs, with four powerful legs and a humanoid
upper body. Their blood is blue. They have no hair on their boy but males have long, brightly colored
crests of feathers which cover their heads and spines. They are a matriarchal society, where females act as the leaders
of the family unit or herd. A male first owes loyalty to his
mother's herd, then his mate's. Herds are organized into tribes and
tribes into nations with all Vedran nations being ruled by an Empress,
the spiritual and political head of the species. Males tend to be less intelligent and more
aggressive than females. They outnumber females by approximately
six to one and each female typically keeps several Vedran males in her
family unit, with the Prime male having mating privileges, while the
other males perform helper functions.
Source: Andromeda v series
mardi 1 mai 2012
The Abyss beings is a peaceful sentient species which developed a space faring civilisation a long time ago and estblished undersea colonies on several worlds.
While vaguely humanoid, its shape is reminiscent of the Manta Ray and the medusa. Its overall shape is mostly that of a ray under which a humanoid torso would have been attached. It uses its fin wings for locomotion. while manipulation is managed by the two arms with three fingers on each hand whihc are attached to its slender humanoid torso. Its head with eyes and eyelids, but no other discernible features. It does not appear to have any bones, but a see through cartilaginous skeleton. They are translucent, and capable of producing neurally controlled bioluminescent light within their bodies thru chemical reactions and use it to communicate among themselves.
They uses gigantic craft for interplanetary travel and sink them when finding a suitable planet on which they use them as settlements .
They have developed liquid manipulation at the molecular level. They can plasticise it, polymerise it, and put it under intelligent control to different purposes, wether it as a communication channel or engineering purposes such as mimicking solid objects, making giant prehensile water tentacles, creating massive tidal waves or parting water to leave aquatic predators stranded in dry air.
The Abyss beings had a settlement on Earht for thousands of years but left the planet toward the end of the 2nd millenium.
Source: The Abyss
While vaguely humanoid, its shape is reminiscent of the Manta Ray and the medusa. Its overall shape is mostly that of a ray under which a humanoid torso would have been attached. It uses its fin wings for locomotion. while manipulation is managed by the two arms with three fingers on each hand whihc are attached to its slender humanoid torso. Its head with eyes and eyelids, but no other discernible features. It does not appear to have any bones, but a see through cartilaginous skeleton. They are translucent, and capable of producing neurally controlled bioluminescent light within their bodies thru chemical reactions and use it to communicate among themselves.
They uses gigantic craft for interplanetary travel and sink them when finding a suitable planet on which they use them as settlements .
They have developed liquid manipulation at the molecular level. They can plasticise it, polymerise it, and put it under intelligent control to different purposes, wether it as a communication channel or engineering purposes such as mimicking solid objects, making giant prehensile water tentacles, creating massive tidal waves or parting water to leave aquatic predators stranded in dry air.
The Abyss beings had a settlement on Earht for thousands of years but left the planet toward the end of the 2nd millenium.
Source: The Abyss
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