The Daggra are a vaguely humanoid species which had developed a space faring civilisation as of 2002. They are vaguely reminiscent of the classic E.T. the extraterrestrial, but larger. They possess telepathic powers, a large flat head with a pair of large eyes, a long neck, long and thin arms with 3 digits. On other worlds, they protect their fragile body inside power armours.
In 2002, a daggra spacecraft crashed
into Mount Ibuski, Japan and was captured and contained in the National
Institute of Space Science, but not before it had managed to send a creature relayed a distress call to its Mothership. Whether
accidentally or intentionally, the creature was killed an gesture that sparked a war
between the Daggra and humanity in which humanity was nrealy wiped. Survivors hiding in Tibet managed to build a machine called the Time Shifter, which they used to return to
the past and prevent the war from starting by rescuing
the alien and returning it to the Daggra, therefore erasing the whole war timeline.
Source: The Returner, Toho, 2002.

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