vendredi 28 février 2014


Planet of origin: Unknown but situated in the Orion constellation.
Or is an artificial lifeform from an highly advanced civilisation situated somewhere in the direction of the Orion constellation. It can travel interestellar distances in its orbitor spaceship.
The Orion civilisation is most likely humanoid as it built Or is such a shape.
Source: Mattel's Major MAtt Mason toyline

jeudi 27 février 2014


Planet of Origin: A planet in the Scoprio Cluster.
Scorpio are vaguely pink skinned highly intelligent insectoid humanoid sentient species with powerful psionic abilities including slight precognition and telepathy on an interstellar range. they have developed an highly advanced civilisation. Their life cycle includes at least two stages. Nothing is known about the first one, neither their shape nor if they are even sentient while it last. The passage to ther other state is made through cocooning and metamorphosis  during which they grow into their pink humanoid form.  This evolved form is let alone to make its way in life by itself without any social support from other of its kind apart from the gift of a Projector Vest left to the cocooning form, a device which enables it interstellar range teleportation.
Action figures of Scorpio weere commercialy released in 1968 as parto f the Major Matt Mason toyline. The following legend was given:
Scorpio's Cocoon snapped open and he tumbled onto the dry sands of his planet in the star cluster Scorpio. Although Scorpio would never know his parents as Earht children would, he was prepared to face anything from the moment of his birth. His keen mind would sense danger before it appeared. The strangeelectornic cells in his brain were programmed like computers. All the information he required came instantly!
He opened his eyes, and the began to flash ! he realized he could read minds! Suddenly a sharp sound-thought screamed into his brain. It was a call from a far-away galaxy. Scorpio's next sensation was the soft kiss of stardust, the whisper of space, as he blasted out and away from his home. The new planet where Scorpio landed was totally unexplored. Strangely, though, he could sense another presence. Quickly he strapped his vest projector. But before he could gather his search globes, he saw the alien. It was Major MATT MASON. Scorpio' senses told him that this was the creature that had called hi,. This must be a friend! Without a word, Scorpio turned and followed Major MATT MASON into a world of adventure!
Source: Mattel's Major Matt Mason toy line, Keith Meyer's The Space Station: Major Matt Mason's HQ for Scorpio's legend. Please visit him HERE!

mercredi 26 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Jupiter, or its moon Callisto. This is at least the place they claim to come from or where they have been encountered.
Jovians are skinny green translucid skinned humanoids with huge head, wide eyes and no hair apart from their eyebrows. They have potent psychic powers and seem able to survive in outer space without the aid of an apparent space suit. They are generally perceived as peaceful.
Source: Mattel's Major Matt Mason toyline

mardi 25 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Unknown
Captain Lazer is a 10 feet tall humanoid lookin almost exactly like a normal human apart from its size. He can survive in outer space without any apparent hermetic space suit and can fire laser rays from his eyes. From his gear, it is clear that he comes from an advanced space faring civilisation. He appears benevolent toward humanity.
Source: Mattel's Major matt mason toyline, 1968

lundi 24 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Pluto
Plutonians are a sentient species of energetic beings using plutonian matter to take shape and interact with the physical world, they have the ability to go bakc to their energetic form to travel great distances. It is unknown if they need plutonian conditions in order to assume physical shape elsewhere.
Men of Pluto action figures where commercialised in the sixties. Their story was told at the back of their blisterpack: 
The cold and desolate planet Pluto is too far from the sun ti derive its heat and, thus, the very atmosphere lies frozen and life as we know it cannot exist. But there, at the very edge of the Solar System, the great intergalactic winds that blow between the stars carry with them great mass of cosmic energy. In the beginning, this living energy bombarding the frozen planet did itself freeze to become living matter and, this, a might race of beings began. created of energy, they can become energy at will and Electron +, from his laboratory in Electra City, can transport himself throughout the universe as a beam of light.
Source: Mel Birnkrant, The Outer Space Men – also known as the Colorform Aliens, 1968.

dimanche 23 février 2014


Planet or Origin: Neptune (or more probably, its moon Triton)
The Tritons are a peaceful amphibian species of cephalopods which developed an advanced civilisation capable of space faring. They possess 6 tentacular limbs, two of which are more muscular and used for on-land navigation as a tentacular trunk on their head.
Men of Neptune action figures where commercialised in the sixties. Their story was told at the back of their blisterpack:
Deep beneath the stormy seas of Neptune, great citiesloom majestically in the shimmering twilight of a vast and beautiful warer world. Here the mighty Triton. People live. Not content to see the sun as but a shimmer and the stars as tiny ripples glowing on the surface of the sea above, Astronautilus and his band of Triton mariners venture forth to sail and chart that greater ocean, Outer Space. Often visiting our planet they land, secretly, without all human knowledge, in the depths of Earth's great oçeans.
Source: Mel Birnkrant, The Outer Space Men – also known as the Colorform Aliens, 1968.

samedi 22 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Uranus
The Uranians are highly advanced humanoids who have developed a peaceful space faring civilisation dedicated to accumulating knowledge. 
Men of Uranus action figures where commercialised in the sixties. Their story was told at the back of their blisterpack:
From the barren mountains of Uranus, great waves of thought reach out through the blackness of outer space probing the universe. Thus, Orbiton and the men of Uranus search the stars seeking the lost knowledge of the Ancient Ones. On great ships they travel to the farthest reaches of our galaxy and beyond. Able to read the minds of men, they have collected the knowledge of a thousand worlds, and yet they go on searching in a never ending quest to learn that which it has been ordained no man shall ever know.
Source: Mel Birnkrant, The Outer Space Men – also known as the Colorform Aliens, 1968.

vendredi 21 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Saturn
The Saturnians are a peaceful humanoid species which developed a highly advanced civilisation. It remains unknown if the species originated in the Saturnian sub-system, as conditions do not seem to allow such carbon-based lifeforms to develop there naturally, but have lived there for a time, being able of feats of planetary engineering such as building the Saturn's rings which they use to affect the gravitic conditions of their ecosphere as well as an interstellar communication system.
Men of Saturn action figures where commercialised in the sixties. Their story was told at the back of their blisterpack: 
Saturn is the most beautiful of all planets. Its symetrical rings give it a matchless grace and there is nothing else like them anywhere else in the Solar system. Constructed and placed in orbit by the Elders, milleniums ago, they give the people of Saturn complete mastery over the force of gravity on their planet. Thus, all work is done by perpetual motion and men can fly above their world in great machines tuned to the frequency of the rings. Freed from manual labor, the men of Saturn have developed great wisdom and the wisest among them is Xodiac. It is said of him that he can tune his Staff to play upon the great rings; the music of ther spheres resounding throughout the universe; to be heard by wise men everywhere.
Source: Mel Birnkrant, The Outer Space Men – also known as the Colorform Aliens, 1968.

jeudi 20 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Jupiter
The Jovians are sentient heavy and scaly reptilian humanoid which seem to have developed a civilisation in zones of the planet Jupiter where life could emerge.
Men of Jupiter action figures where commercialised in the sixties. Their story was told at the back of their blisterpack:
From the huge red spot near the equator of the giant planet Jupiter, a great ship travels forth. On board is the mighty warrior Colossus Rex, strongest of the strong. The colossal strenght needed merely to survive the crushing pressure of the atmosphere and enormous force of gravity on his native Jupiter make him a veritable superman on other worlds. Invulnerable to attacks, invincible in battle, brute strenght is his only weapon. Yet no power in the galaxy can defeat him. We hope his mission is only to explore the universe and not conquer it.
Source: Mel Birnkrant, The Outer Space Men – also known as the Colorform Aliens, 1968.

mercredi 19 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Venus
The Venusians are sentient humanoids looking strikingly similar to humans who have developed an highly advanced civilisation capable of space faring on Venus, building cities of which Olympus is the largest. They are known to have visited Earth as early as circa 1000 BC, landing in the Greek Isles where they were likened to gods. They since have kept a close watch over our planet.
Men of Venus action figures where commercialised in the sixties. Their story was told at the back of their blisterpack: 
From Olympus, largest of the great sky cities of Venus, the mighty cloud ship Cumulus sets forth. Like a fiery comet it blazes through the blackness of outer space toward our Earth. Its captain, Commander Comet, is a direct descendant of the mighty Zeus, leader of the historic first venusian expedition to Earth which landed near the Grecian Isles 3000 years ago. Commander Comet's present mission is one of routine surveillance and once within the atmosphere of Earth, his ship will join the great fleet of  Venusian crafts that float like clouds above our planet night and day, watching undetected over our world.
Source: Mel Birnkrant, The Outer Space Men – also known as the Colorform Aliens, 1968.

mardi 18 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Mars
The Martians are short green skinned humanoids with a large head, wide eyes, pointy ears and a pair on antenna coming out of the top of their head. They developed an advanced civilisation capable of advanced space travel a long time ago when their planet was still able to sustain life. Some still survive deep below the surface but most have left their homeworld to wonder the cosmos, actively looking for a new home on whihc they could start anew.
Men of Mars action figures where commercialised in the sixties. Their story was told at the back of their blisterpack:
From below the surface of  the dying planet Mars, the descendants of a once great race live on. Above them the majestic cities have long since crumbled and the vast canals lie buried beneath a silent sea of rust red sands. With time and water running out, Alpha 7 and other members of the Martian Armada travel the galaxy in search of another suitable planet to make their own. Their  frequent reconnaissance missions and landings on our Earth have given rise to what most Earth men consider "wild stories" of "flying saucers" and "little green men".
Source: Mel Birnkrant, The Outer Space Men – also known as the Colorform Aliens, 1968.

lundi 17 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Mercury
The Mercurians are a humanoid species that developed an advanced civilisation on the first planet of the Solar System. Not much is known about Mercurian biology, but their body appears to be made to endure temperatures as high as 700 Kelvin (430 degrees Celsius). As a side effect, they seem to be quite vulnerable to the effects of colder ones and will resort to special suits allowing them to keep their heat when travelling off world.
Men of Mercury action figures where commercialised in the sixties. Their story was told at the back of their blisterpack:
On Mercury, the planet nearest to the Sun, great rivers of molten lava churn and flow past majestic cities, glowing red hot in the blinding radiance of the Sun. Here, in tempeature so great that life as we know it would be consumed in a flash, the mighty volcan people live - beings of living fire that burns eternally. Protected by suits of thermal alloy, lest the freezing cold of outer space would snuff them out, INFERNO and the Men of Mercury travel the universe in the great chariots of fire that we call comets.
Source: Mel Birnkrant, The Outer Space Men – also known as the Colorform Aliens, 1968.

samedi 15 février 2014


Planet of origin: a world in the Sagittarius arm of the Milky Way
The Cetaceans are a species who developed had developed an advanced civilisation who developed space faring technology after having survived their planet being hit by an asteroid while all the land-based species perished.
They sent out probes throughout the Galaxy and established some colonies on other worlds such as Earth, several thousands years ago, where they devolved into either becoming or blending with the planet's cetacean population.
Another cetacean ship passed by Earth in the 23rd century to make sure their colonists were safe.
Source: Star Trek Universe, the Voyage Home.


The "Nightmare" aliens are a humanoid species which had developed a space faring civilisation as of the 20th centuryé The have a large head with a brain-like relief over their ehads, large bulbous round eyes and long point ears. A scout from this civilisation came to Earth in 1982 to test the human race through one of its specimen. It boarded a submarine carrying a large nuclear arsenal and tried to fire it in order to cause an all-out nuclear war. Success in stopping him was to be the proof the aliens needed to let Earth be while failure meant the destruction of the humans by their own hands. Luckily, the bomb were detonated before reaching detonation and the alien destroyed.
Source: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, "Nightmare", directed by Charles Rondeau, written by Irwin Allen and Sidney Marshall.

dimanche 9 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Supposedly a planet oribiting the star Rigel
The Rigellians are a sentient vegetal species with some animal traits which developed a spacefaring civilisation in the 3rd millenium and were then a bit more advanced than humanity. They are known to turn from green to violet when afraid.
Source: Beyond Infinity, by Nat Schachner Aka Chan Corbett, in Astounding Stories, Jan 1937.
The story tells of a series of invasion that befell Earth starting in 3195, as the universe unexpectedly starts to collapse on itself and the surviving species rush toward the worlds who are still unaffected by the phenomenon to delay their extinction. The Rigellians were the first of a wave of invaders that attacked Earth, arriving in 3207, as a migration fleet of thousands of  spaceships fleeing more advanced species which had invaded their own world. They landed in the jungles of Matto Grosso and eradicated more than a billion people before being themselves destroyed.


Planet of Origin: Supposedly in planet orbiting Betelgeuse
The Crabmen are a vaguely humanoid crustacean species that developed a spacefaring civilisation as of the 4th millenium. They possess large pincer-like hands and antennas that can spew a deadly green acid and had a geometric language.
Source: Beyond Infinity, by Nat Schachner Aka Chan Corbett, in Astounding Stories, Jan 1937.
The story tells of a series of invasion that befell Earth starting in 3195, as the universe unexpectedly starts to collapse on itself and the surviving species rush toward the worlds who are still unaffected by the phenomenon to delay their extinction. The Betelgeusians were the second of a wave of invaders  that attacked Earth, arriving in 3241, as a migration fleet of 100 000 spaceships fleeing their homeworld's destruction. They were defeated by mold and spores which attacked the softr skin under their shells. They nevertheless reduces the Earth population to 2 billions people.


Planet of Origin: Mars
The Martians are a degenerate species that had a long time ago developed a glorious civilisation and which was barely surviving in the rare spots on their planet that still had some vegetation as of the 4th millenium.
Source: Beyond Infinity, by Nat Schachner Aka Chan Corbett, in Astounding Stories, Jan 1937.
The story tells of a series of invasion that befell Earth starting in 3195, as the universe unexpectedly starts to collapse on itself and the surviving species rush toward the worlds who are still unaffected by the phenomenon to delay their extinction. For some reasons, no mention is given that the invaders take any interest on settling on Mars.


Planet of Origin: Venus
Veusian lifeforms had not acheived sentiance as of the 4th millenium and were only primitive savage monstrous lifeforms hidden in the planet's jungles.
Source: Beyond Infinity, by Nat Schachner Aka Chan Corbett, in Astounding Stories, Jan 1937.
The story tells of a series of invasion that befell Earth starting in 3195, as the universe unexpectedly starts to collapse on itself and the surviving species rush toward the worlds who are still unaffected by the phenomenon to delay their extinction. For some reasons, no mention is given that the invaders take any interest on settling on Venus.


Planet of Origin: Supposedly a planet orbiting the star Antares.
Antarians are a sentient non-humanoid species which has developed an highly advanced technological civilisation. The look like man-sized gelatinous cylinders with a spherical protuberance at its top with two antennas which can emit deadly rays. They possess some kind of ethereal shell whih protects them from harm, emit anti-matter particles and allows them to travel thourhg space faster than the speed of light.
Source: Beyond Infinity, by Nat Schachner Aka Chan Corbett, in Astounding Stories, Jan 1937.
The story tells of a series of invasion that befell Earth starting in 3195, as the universe unexpectedly starts to collapse on itself and the surviving species rush toward the worlds who are still unaffected by the phenomenon to delay their extinction. The Antarian were the third and last of a a wave of invaders, arriving on Earth in 3326, shortly before humanity's survivors found a way to project themselves outside the dying universe and into the next.

vendredi 7 février 2014


The Dog-faced Aliens are a sentient humanoid canine species which has developed an advanced civilisation and are known to use robot servants.
Source: Irwin Allen, Lost in Space. ("War of the Robots")
Note: The Dog Face aliens bear a strong resemblance to the Anticans of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

mardi 4 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Malur, a planet in a system containing 3 inhabitable planet in the Sol system vicinity of the  Milky Way galaxy. 
The Malurians are a scaly, gray-skinned humanoid species which had developed a warp-capable spacefaring civilisation as the the 2150ies, at whihc point their total population was of four billion people spread on the four inhabited planets of their sytem.
Wandering off their system, they started to secretely mine the veridium isotope found on the planet Akaali whose inhabitants developed a sickness due to the use of  drilling equipment saturated with tetracyanate 622 by the Malurians.
Their whole population was later wiped out  by the Earth space probe Nomad in 2267.  (TOS: "The Changeling")  (ENT: "Civilization") 

dimanche 2 février 2014


Planet of Origin: Akritri, a planet in the Milky Way situated on the side opposite to Earth.
The Akritirians are a humanoid species looking  much like the humans from Earth but for a slight ridging on their forehead which developed a warp-capable space faring civilization with a very harsh and oppressive irreversible legal system. They kept their criminals in an off-world penitencial space station where they were fitted with a synaptic stimulator which could induce them to kill each other by inducing aggression and paranoia.
Source: Star Trek universe,  (VOY: "The Chute")

samedi 1 février 2014



Planet of Origin: Arcturus IV, a heavily populated planet with 7 moons which orbits the K star Arcturus, 37 light years from Earth.
The Arcturians are a humanoid species who developed a militaristic civilisation who achieved space travel and where individuals reproduce by cloning. They were members of the same space federation as Earth in the 2270ies. They have reddish-gray skin, which formed heavy folds on their face and forehead and large.
Source: Star Trek universe,  (Star Trek: The Motion Picture) The Arcturians were designed by Fred Phillips and Robert Fletcher for The Motion Picture


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on the other planets of the Solar System. To conclude de tour of his paintings on the subect, here is a home-made line up of all these aliens.


Planet of Origin: A water planet in the Milky Way,
The aliens known known as Lobster Men are sentient crustacean humanoids which develop an advanced civilisation capable of space travel. While roughly anthropoid in shape and possessing a face with disturbingly human features surrounded by a beardlike hair collar, the Lobster men are covered by chitin plates, have loster-like pincers instead of hands which are strong enough to cut through steal at the end of long arms as well as small lobster-like legs coming of their arms, legs and forehead. If those smaller limbs are functional has not been witnessed. They also possess lobster-like antennas.
The lobster man have been watching Earth for "as long as men have talked out loud" and are known to have sent an emissary to Earth as a scout for an invasion at the end of the 20th century. The scout tried to cause a nuclar explosion to wreak havok, an effort that was thrwarted by the crew of an american submarine.
Source: Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, The Lobster Man, directed by Jus Aldiss, written by Al Gail and Irwin Allen.

The Lobster man's spaceship.