Have aliens visited Earth? We dont know. But Vulcans, E.T. and Martians have invaded Pop Culture.
samedi 29 décembre 2007
Source: Doctor Who, "School Reunion"

A gaseous alien parasite that feeds on orgasmic energy. Composed of vorax and ceranium gases, Earth's atmosphere is poisonous to the alien, so it needs to take a human host to survive for prolonged periods. It vies for control with its host, causing physiological changes that eventually cause the host's internal organs to explode.
The alien also makes its host secrete a blend of ultra-powerful pheromones that cause tremendous sexual attraction in those around it for the purposes of feeding. Coupling with the host is fatal, causing the host's partner to disintegrate into a pile of dust at climax and allowing the alien to absorb the energy from the orgasm.
A specimen came to Earth in a meteorite in the early 21st century and landed near Cardif. Although the technological level of the entitiy is unknown, it refered to the meteorite as his ship and said it came to Earth by design, so it has some knowledge of interstellar scale and has the ability to manoeuver through space in a container of some sort.
Source: Torchwood "Day One"
Source: Torchwood "Random Shoes"

A highly advanced civilisation of bald silicon-based humanoids with bulbous eyes and bark-like glowing skin, the Exxilon visited Earth and were mistaken for space gods in ancient Peru. They created the City, a huge complex imbued with artificial intelligence that turned on them, either killing them or casting them out. The surviving Exxilons then either reverted to stone-age savagery, worshipping the city and offering sacrifices to it; or fled the city and the savages but were persecuted by their peers and driven to the planet's lower levels. The mineral parrinium, the only antidote to the disease known as the space plague, was found only on Exxilon.
Source: Doctor Who "Death to the Daleks"

Argolins are yellow skinned humanoid nhabitants of
Source: Doctor Who “The Leisure Hive”

Planet or origin: It is not known if the name of the species related to the star known to humans as Arcturus.
The arcturus are non humanoid multi-strand organisms with a roughly skull shaped mass with two eyes at its center. They cannot survive in Earth-like environments, unless immersed in a container filled with their native life fluids. They often have such containers equipped with traction unit to move around on alien worlds. They have developed an advanced space faring civilisation and, in the future, will be members of the same Federation as Earth and Alpha Centauri.
Source: Doctor Who, 'The Curse of Peladon", "The Beast of Peladon"
dimanche 11 novembre 2007
Source: Doctor Who Novel "Venusian Lullaby"
Source: Doctor Who Novel "Venusian Lullaby"
Source: Doctor Who Novel "Venusian Lullaby"
A sentient species that existed some 3 billions years ago and was wiped out by the the Sou(ou) shi prior to their visit to Venus. The Sou(ou) Shi ate all the Aveletians and used their detritus to fertilize another world (whose identity remains undetermined) where life developed based on the Aveletian's genetic code.
Source: Doctor Who Novel "Venusian Lullaby"
lundi 5 novembre 2007
The People are an ancient highly advanced utopian society probably born of several alien species, living in a Dyson Sphere called the Worldsphere.
They appear to be a combination of biological and artificial beings; having integrating their technology into their very essence, being able to switch their gender, forms or their minds at will, being able to become a humanoid lifeform or part of a spaceship. They do not appear to have developped time travel yet.
Source: Doctor Who "The Also People" novel by Ben Aaronovitch
Source: Doctor Who, "Falls the Shadow" novel by Daniel O’Mahony.
Humanoid species which at the end of a long civil war, almost developed a unified planetary civilisation with the help of the Timelords before being invaded and harvested by the Hoothi some four billion years ago.
Source: Doctor Who “Love and War” novel
lundi 29 octobre 2007
Planet of origin: Nemesis
Lucifer Hawks are entities that have been known to visit other worlds, Earth among them in the early 21st century, by either being summoned or by crossing the dimensional barriers.
The most evolved of them have developed sentience and some sort of non-technologically based culture. Those can cross the dimensional barriers on their own, and bring lower-level creatures with them. Low level Entities are usually slug-like in shape. Low-level Entities are driven by basic needs while more evolved ones usually have some sort of purpose or plan, and will work with regards to see that plan completed. They generally have inimical attitudes towards humans. Many have slightly mutable forms, and can change shape to some degree. Most have the ability to sprout extra tentacles, mouths and eyes or crustacean features. Their size have been known to vary from one to
Source : Kia Asamyia, Silent Mobius
Source: Doctor Who, novel Sky Pirates
dimanche 21 octobre 2007
A race of telepathic bacteria that infected hosts and which an advanced civilisation in the distant past and mastered time travel technology at the same tiem as the Timelords. They participated in the event known as the First Time Wars and were erased from history. Crialan bacteria grow a crystalline network inside their hosts which acts as a parallel nervous system and a Crialan intelligence is created spontaneously.
Source: Doctor Who Universe, novel Decalog 3: Timevault
vendredi 19 octobre 2007

They have advanced technology, including faster-than-light space travel, genetic engineering, holoprojection, energy weapons capable of decimating planets and are able to manipulate the dimensional barriers. They manufactured the seeds of life, and they sealed those living spores in golden canisters of power, that they might survive the rigors of an incredible journey: a voyage to seed the stars. They explored the cosmos of the Negative Zone to its furthest limits, charting worlds they felt were capable of supporting life. Seeing the results of their seeding, they decided to retreat in a procket universe.
Source: Marvel Universe: Fantastic Four I#140 (November, 1973)

The Annihilation Wave is a insectoid species from another universe known as the Negative Zone lead by the Annihilus Alpha male and his queens.
The species is a mutation from spores accidentally seeded by the Tyannans on the volcanic planet of Arthros. Through rapid mutations, the spores matured into an insectoid lifeform which eventually evolved to sentience. The species is highly diversified into specialised subspecies. The most advanced subspecies can, upon their death, release a pod containing a nymph-like clone possessing their memories.
One of them, finding the wreckage of the Tyannan ship that had crash-landed on its world, saw its intelligence enhanced by the use of a Tyannan knowledge transference helmet and was able to master the Tyannan technology and perfect it. Obsessed with survival, the paranoid creature, who came to be known as Annihilus, set out to destroy any other living being he viewed as a possible threat to his existence. Annihilus used his newly acquired power to dominate all other lifeforms on Arthros, and plotted to either conquer or destroy the neighboring worlds in the Negative Zone.
After raiding vast areas of the Negative zone, Annihilus lead his annihilation wave in our universe in 2006, claiming that as the universe is expanding into areas of the Negative Zone, making the universe now rightfully his territory. He wrecked havok in the Andromeda Galaxy before being stopped.
Source: Marvel universe: Fantastic Four Annual #6 (1968), Created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Planet of Origin: Antede III
Species of fish-like humanoids. They are able to enter catatonic state for long period of time, although this requires them to eat large quantities of food before and afterward. As of the 24th century, they had developed an highly advanced civilisation but had not really ventured into space as they found the spaeflight experience to be extremely traumatic.
Source: Star Trek Universe: Star Trek: TNG: "Manhunt”

Allasomorphs are a sentient anthropomorphic shapeshifting species capable of altering instantaly their molecular structure, being even able to effectively transform into beings of other species.
Their planet being tidally locked to its star, one side is in continual day while the other is in perpetual night. Their society evolved into two cultures linked to this geographical reality. Both entities had hostile relations until the 2365 when a leader born of parents from both sides came to rule the planet.
Source: Star Trek universe, Start Trek TNG: "The Dauphin"

Planet of origin: Aaamazzara, orbiting Nulla Pambu (Epsilon Serpentis) a white A-type main sequence dwarf with an apparent magnitude of +3.71, situated at approximately 70.3 light years from Earth.
Aaamazzarites are a sentient humanoid species. They are hairless with pale yellow skin and can generate bio-chemically from inside of their body and through their mouths all sorts of goods, including clothing and furniture, in a manner ressembling the way bees make hivese. In the 23th century, they are members of the United Federation of Planets centered around Earth.
Source: Star Trek universe. “Star Trek: The Motion Picture” from notes created by Fred Phillips and Robert Fletcher contained in The Making of Star Trek The Motion Picture.
vendredi 12 octobre 2007

Millions of years ago, the entities known as the Celestials performed genetic experiments on the reptilian ancestors of the Skrulls, resulting in three subspecies; one with an unstable genome and shapeshifting abilities, one which was composed of immortals at the peak of their genetic potential, and one which had implanted inside them a latent gene series that would later promote rapid mutations. They warred with one another. The shapeshifters were triumphant, and after wiping out all other Skrulls began to expand their territory. They would later split into two more groups, one being the modern Skrulls and the other being called the Dire Wraiths, a parasitic race that could shapeshift, drain the life essence and memories out of its victims. They could use magic, but were not as technologically advanced as the Skrulls. And so the Skrulls forced them to flee the Skrull domain. They were eventually exterminated in the late 20th century.
In their interstellar age, the Skrulls evolved into a peaceful civilization, primarily interested in free trade and willing to share their technology with all races they deemed worthy. Their shape-shifting powers helped them foster bonds with their trading partners.
About one million years ago, a Skrull delegation came to the planet Hala in the Bama system in the Greater Magellanic Cloud, home to the then barbaric Kree humanoids and the peaceful Cotati plantoids. They held a contest between the two races to determine with whom the Skrulls would trade. The Cotati won, but the vengeful Kree massacred the Skrull delegation, took over the Skrull landing spaceship by force, and developed their own technology from it with which they began waging war against the Skrulls, decimating ten of their worlds. The Kree aggression molded the Skrulls into a ruthless militaristic civilization bent on eradicating their aggressor. Their war has continued on and off to this day. It is possibly this war that cristallised the skrulls in their modern social form.
Modern Skrulls are highly advanced sexuate sentient shapeshifters of reptilian origin. In their social form, they appear like green skinned humanoids the same height and weight as Kree (and humans), with large pointed ears and corrugated chins. They are able to assume virtually any form, be it organic or inorganic, adjusting there density to fit larger or smaller volumes. As a result, the Skrulls excel at spying and infiltration. Skrulls are also able to use their shapeshifting abilities to form weapons (eg. blades and clubs) with parts of their bodies, making them dangerous hand-to-hand combatants.
Despite the fact that young Skrulls hatch from eggs, mothers nurse their children to provide nourishment. They live an average of 210 years.
A hundred thousands years ago, Skrull scientists created the first Cosmic Cube, a device which could transform thoughts into reality. The power hungry emperor used it to expand his personal influence and holdings throughout the empire, but in time, the Cube developed a consciousness of its own. It patterned its personality on that of its user and destroyed two-thirds of the Skrull empire before realizing it had made a mistake. After time and hard work, the empire of the Skrulls was restored. It is at this time that the Skrull Throneworld was moved from Skrullos to the more central Tarnax IV.
During the second half of the 20th century, possibly after detecting Kree activites on the planet and realizing its population had also been subject to Celestial manipulations, the Skrull Empire showed interest in conquering Earth.
In 1984, After his Herald Nova annihilates the Skrull fleet, Tarnax was devoured by the Galactus entity.This plunged the Skrull empire in a power vaccum as the fight between five warlords for leadership threw their civilisation into a open civil war, which eventually lead to a reopening of the hostilities on the part of the Kree. Once a new empress gained access to the throne, negotiation of a truce with the Kree after defeating them in a decisive battle brought back peace. She quickly restered the empire and reesablished the throneworld on a planet named Satriana.
In 2007, The Skrull Empire, barely back on its feet, was also the first of the major interstellar empires to be hit by the Annihilation Wave, an highly advanced and aggressive outer-dimensionnal communal insectoid species that laid waste to much of the Empire, destroying dozens of Skrull planets. The Skrulls are now attempting to convince a Skrull-Kree hybrid, to become the new Emperor.
Source : Marvel Universe. First appearance : Fantastic Four vol. 1, #2 (Jan. 1962). The Skrulls were created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
mercredi 10 octobre 2007

The Dilgar are a species of feline looking humanoids. They developped an advanced and warlike interstellar civilisation.
Source: Babylon 5
In the "Dark Skies" TV series, the Grays are presented as a peaceful highly advanced humanoid civilisation capable of space travel, which have been taken over by the Hive, a communal parasitic species, the Hive, which uses their bodies as host for their expansion plans.
In the "X-Files"TV series, they are presented as an transformation, through the use of another humanoid lifeform, either a reptilian humanoid or a human, of the Black oil parasitic (or symbiotic) lifeform. These Gray type aliens can attain man-like sizes and are capable of shape-changing.
In the "Stargate SG-1", they are called the Asgards and are pictured as an highly advanced species opposed to a parasitic species somewhat reminiscent of the Hive, the Goa'uld.
In Babylon 5, they are called Vree and are said to have visited Earth since hte 1940ies. They are known to be distant relatives of another spacies called Streib and both species have a lot fo similarities with yet another one, the Zener, which is known to have been manipulated by an ancient race known as the Shadows.
Greys have also been seen in the Escape from Planet Earth movie and in the Scrameustache comcis series where they are shown to have some psychic abilities, among them, telekynesis.
Typically, Greys are described as being approximately 120 cm (four feet) tall, with grey (sometimes blueish,) skin. Their body is typically described as being elongated, and lacking in muscular definition. Their legs are shorter and jointed differently than one would expect in a human. Their arms often reach down to their knees, and some accounts give them three digits or three digits and a thumb on each hand. They have a bulbous, hairless head supported by a thin neck, which is dominated by large, usually black lidless eyes. They typically have small flat noses or slit-like nostrils on a flat face, small mouths and small earing orifices. Some accounts have Greys wearing tight neutral colored uniform-like jumpsuits. Other reports have them appearing to be naked. In most cases, they dont have determinable gender and have no visible external genitals.
From the abduction account of Barney and Betty Hill in 1965, they are believed to be coming from a planet orbiting the star Zeta Reticuli.
Sources: Popular culture, "The X-Files", "Dark Skies", "Stargate SG-1", "Babylon 5"
dimanche 7 octobre 2007

On their homeworld, the Goa'uld are born as relatively helpless aquatic larvae, spawned in large numbers by a queen. Those which survive to maturity develop into muscular serpentine parasite with fins and fangs that allow them to spring powerfully out of the water to burrow into a suitable more mobile host as it requires a host body to inhabit in order to affect the environment around it. The symbiont typically enters the body of a host either through the mouth or burrowing through the neck. Once inside the body, they attach themselves to the spinal column and begin their control over the body. Only 50% of the Goa’uld then succeed in taking over their host.
One of the unique traits among the Goa'uld is their genetic memory which allows them access to the accumulated knowledge of their race from the Queen that spawned them.
The primitive reptilian humanoid Unas that lived on the same world were their original hosts. Through the abandoned Stargate that was built on their planet by an alien much advanced civilisation, they emigrated to other worlds, infiltrated and invaded other alien species and used their technology. Eventually, around 8000 BC, they discovered Earth. Humans proved to be a most suitable host-race for them, as human bodies were easy to repair, and human hands and voices offered great opportunity for expression and technological use. Once a Goa'uld takes a host it is not easy for it to switch to another; it loses its fins and its body appears to atrophy significantly. So civilised Goa'ulds developed an alternative lifecycle; modifying a race of humans into what they called Jaffa to act as incubators for their larvae. This provided them powerful warrior servants and improved to almost 100% the chances of the larvae taking over a human host on maturity. The Goa'uld were never a numerous species, never more than some thousands of adults at any time.
vendredi 5 octobre 2007
The hive is a communal parasitic alien lifeform spreading by taking over individual of other species through either burrowing inside the body of the host, usually through the mouth, and taking over its nervous system, or by implanting a microbial larva in their body.
Individuals are refered to as ganglions and look like a roughly insectoid shape, six to 12 inches long, with no exoskeleton, long articulated tendrils and a tail like appendage through which it can implant a larva in a host.
Right after implantation, hosts will often experience disorientation, voices, paranoia and extreme schizophrenic episodes. After approximately twenty-four hours, a control ganglion will have formed in the human brain stem and started to attack the host's central nervous system.. During this phase, the host intelligence is aware of its predicament, although most often incapable of action. During the year following the infection, the ganglion grows tendrils throughout the host’s central nervous system, rooting itself in it, dominating the host completely. At this point the host has become a low-level telepathic fully-functioning members of the Hive community and will tend to join other hosts to live in groups and clusters as this makes telephathic contact easier. After several years, it has become no more than a shell, a full member of the Hive’s collective consciousness, able to function on a global scale when enough members have joined the group mind.
When a host has been too severly damaged to function, ganglions with extended tendril networks have been known to be able to move out of their host and inside another individual to take over, usually making their way to the brain through the mouth. Full grown ganglion have been known to live inside an already hosted body, waiting for the controlling ganglion to find them a suitable host.
The Hive came to Earth in the 1940ies using the technology the stole from previously conquered hosts, Gray type aliens and asked for Earth's unconditional surrender. Their ship was shot down in Roswell , New Mexico. They have since then tried to establish a community on the planet in a more undergound manner.
Source: "Dark Skies" TV series
The worms are speculated to have been brought to the ice of Alaska by the ancient crash of a meteor in the Arctic. They were found and brought back from hibernation by a team of arctic searchers. They can enter through a cut and quickly take full physical and psychological control of a person by attaching to the hypothalamus gland, causing them to kill themselves or others, or inducing extreme paranoia.
Source: Chris Carter “The X-Files” Season One episode “Ice”
The Black oil is an alien sentient viral lifeform. It appears as a liquid with the consistency of crude oil which can move on its own. It is able to hibernate for periods of thousands of years, preferably in petroleum deposits. It can absorbs itself into other beings, sometimes appearing to move directly under the skin and over the eyes of the victim. Reaching the third ventricle of the brain, it can take control of its host. It is able to kill opponents by generating massive doses of radiation, while shielding its host from injury. While Black oil is known to be able to switch host on a whim, it contains the genetic blueprints for a Gray type alien which it can incubate into its host. Once incubated, a host gestates within 96 hours an immature alien form, and is killed in the process.
The Black oil’s origins are unknown. It may have originated on Earth or on another world. On Earth, It is known to have lived in a tall ang aggressive primitive humanoid reptilian lifeform with fangs, claw, and yellowish scaled skin at some point during Earth’s past and made them evolve into Gray type aliens. Those, referred to as the Colonists, are generally believed to have abandoned the planet at the latest during the last great ice age for undetermined reasons. They came back to Earth at some point and have monitored the planet for some time, awaiting for an opportune moment to reclaim it. In 1947, one of their ships crashed in New Mexico, with the crew dying from exposure to magnetite. This lead a group of human power brokers to learn of the Colonists' plot to retake the planet and, early during the Cold War, forged an alliance with them around the agreement that a small group of humans would be allowed to survive the invasion by becoming alien-human hybrids. The date for recolonization was set for 2012, and work began to create an hybrid. In exchange for their cooperation, the Colonists allowed them limited military use of their technology, and promised that their heirs, who were turned over to the Colonists as an act of good faith, would survive the takeover. Meanwhile, both sides worked secretly against the other; with the human conspirators attempting to develop a vaccine for the alien virus and the Colonists setting up the Black Oil to "birth" a new alien being within the human body as its incubator.
Source: Chris Carter "The X-Files"
dimanche 30 septembre 2007

samedi 22 septembre 2007

Planet of Origin: Kvch
The Technarchy is an aggressive techno-organic species. They need to travel to other worlds to feed as Feeding is done by infecting preys with the Transmode Virus, converting them into techno-organic matter, from which they then drain the energy. If is not drained after infection, organic creatures become Phalanx, hiveminded aggressive creatures seeking only to multiply. Phalanx are inherently coded to send a message to the Technarchy once they reach a critical mass. The Technarchy, who consider Phalanx to be abominations, exterminate all such "nests" upon receiving the messages.
Technarchs reproduces through an advanced assembly line, using information code from a parent. The babies is then brought up in a creche. Upon reaching a certain age, they must face their parent in single combat to prove that they have the right to live. The weaks are killed, while those that are strong kill their parent.
Technarchs grow in size, strength and power throughout their lives. In addition to the shapeshifting and energy-channeling abilities, Technarchy members can, with enough energy, travel through hyperspace, cross dimensional barriers, detect energy sources at interstellar distances, detect mental activity, communicate in a wide variety of formats, and even fuse hydrogen.
Source: Marvel Universe. Created by writer Chris Claremont and artist Bill Sienkewicz. In New Mutants vol. 1 #21 (November 1984).
jeudi 20 septembre 2007
Fairies but have lived alongside humanity since the dawn of time, and although mankind has ascribed positive, friendly aspects to them, they are dangerous. Their exact nature is unclear. They are part myth, part spirit world and part reality jumbled together, mixed with "old moments and emotions", all moving backwards and forwards through time and seen only out of the corner of one's eye.
When they chose to be visible, they are known in two forms: a small, glowing humanoid form with butterfly-like wings and a much larger and distorted winged humanoid. They are also undetectable by technology, and can appear and disappear at will. They also have control of the elements, able to create sudden gales or rainstorms and direct them with pinpoint accuracy. They can make great storms, wild seas, turn the world to ice and have the ability to move back and forth in time.
Fairies and children are linked, and were once children, taken from various time periods stretching millennia into the past. These children are the Chosen Ones, who the fairies protect and avenge if harm comes to them, until the time that they claim the children for their own.
They are also known as Chaos Mites (Annihilation) and thought to be among the first born of the creation event. The Proemials deemed them unstable and believed to have wiped them out.
Known as Chaos Sprites, some are believed to serve the renegade Proemial Diableri to be his eyes and ears and tasked by their master to sow chaos in order, if these have fallen to the Proemial’s power or if he actually created the Sprites himself to be his own Chaos Mites remains unknown.
Source: Doctor Who / Torchwood “Small Worlds” ; Marvel Universe “Annihilation”

Imperiex Prime had detected imperfections in the fabric of the universe, and his ultimate plan was to destroy it and create a new, perfect one. To do so, in 2000, he headed for Earth, a planet which, according to his calculations, was in a position holding the universe together at that moment, in order to destroy it and therefore induce a new Big Bang. Before arriving to Earth, Imperiex obliterated countless other planets. Kalanor, Karna, and Daxam are three known planets destroyed in his cataclysmic campaign. Whole galaxies were also targeted for demolition as Imperiex Prime sought to fulfill his destructive destiny, obliterating one universe so that a new one would be born. He was opposed by many forces and, in his final moments, realized, in an ironic twist, that the imperfection he had detected in the universe was himself.
Note: Imperiex, being described as the embodiement of entropy, bears a huge likeness to the being described in the Marvel Universe as the Proemial God Diableri of Chaos . There goals are also the same.
Source: DC Universe, Superman #153, (February 2000), created by Jeph Loeb and Ian Churchill.

“In a time when the Living Universe was young, and it was full of chaos. There was beauty, but it was the beauty of the void, formless and without intent. The cosmic Consonance deemed that there be order and balance to this chaos. The universe does not measure time, but by natural sequence, a balance was struck and the cosmic consonance was set. From the chaos came order, and from order intent. They were the care takers, conceived through intent. Each of them was tasked to maintain the cosmic consonance. They were without will and without awareness of anything but the task set before them. They existed to serve the living Universe. They were the Proemial Gods.
The Gods shepherded the young Universe, maintaining the delicate balance between order and chaos. As a result the Living Universe expanded and flourished. Life thrived on countless worlds, each life form unique from the other. They were formed by the choices made and action taken, by those serving the cosmic consonance. The better they performed their task, the less they were needed to perform their assigned task. The Living Universes' need for them lessened, and the Proemial Gods started diminishing from existences. One of their members, whose functions evolved into awareness and that awareness, had become dark ambition. Diableri of chaos would not see himself erased from the Living Universe. So he embarked on a mission to remake the Universe in his own image.
For his new found purpose Diableri corrupted the purpose of the Proemial Gods, many of them came to embrace his dark ambitions; those most loyal to him were Aegis and Tenebrous. The Proemial beings became engaged in a War of Gods, and Gods died. Had Diableri not brought his war to Galactus he would have achieved his dark ambitions.”
Taken from the Marvel Universe Wiki
Proemials were non corporeal forces of nature that appeared at the beginning of the universe whose task was to prepare what existed for what was to come, by maintaining balance between order and chaos and eliminating early elements they deemed unstable.
As the universe stabilized and corporeal life started to develop, most disappeared but some developed awareness and sentience. As such they developed shapes, identities and even genders. Lead by Diableri of Chaos, one of them that evolved into the embodiment of entropy, decided to reshape the universe so it would suit them better. They fought the World Devourer Galactus and were vainquished. Tenebrous of the Darkness and Aegis, Lady of All Sorrows were among the only remaining survivors of that brutal battle. Galactus imprisoned them in the prison planetoid known as the Kyln, located in the Crunch Cascade a sector of space outside the Local Group known as the. They remained locked in there for eaons until 2007 when they were freed by the destruction of the Kyln during the Annihilation Wave, an invasion attempt by a communal insectoid species from another dimension.
Once free, Tenebrous and Aegis confronted Galactus and his newly restored Herald the Silver Surfer in battle and easily defeated them. Leaving them to be stripped of the Power Cosmic by the forces of the Annihilation Wave, Tenebrous and Aegis returned to the ruins of the Kyln to look for the other Proemial Gods which could have also been prisoners there. To their disappointment, they only found the fallen body of Antiphon the Overseer who had apparently fell victim to the destruction of the Kyln. The Silver Surfer who had escaped captivity tracked down the two Gods and defeated them by using the powers of the Crunch.
Source: Marvel Universe, “Annihilation” Marvel Universe Wiki

Planet of Origin: Karna, in the Vega System
Seeking a new home, the Tamarans who survived the destruction of New Tamaran lead an invasion on Karna. After a short conflict, The Gordanians allowed them to stay; in exchange, the Tamarans tought them new trades outside of slavery. Shortly afterward, in 2000, tragedy struck, a series of Imperiex probes destroyed Karna.
Source: DC Universe, New Teen Titans vol. 1 #1, 3, Titans #17-19
mercredi 19 septembre 2007
Planet of Origin: Okaara (Vega 13)
Okaarans were humanoids who developed a gentle, life cherishing civilization on the then Earthlike planet Okaara. Their peace was shattered by the arrival of the Psions, who abducted and experimented on them. Soon their planet became a nuclear holocaust. Those who survived tunneled deep into the barren soil, making their homes in vast chambers and tunnels. Radiation changed the forms of the blue-skinned species, making them the stocky and fang-toothed. Their civilization survived, and even though they vowed to fight no more wars, they studied and perfected the arts of combat. As civilization spread through the Vegan system, the Okaarans observed and sent emissaries, often establishing their religion on other worlds. Okaara became a place of learning, and favored students from other worlds came there to pursue both physical and mental excellence. Okaaran combat training was particularly valued.
Many millennia ago, some okaarans were brought to Tamaran, most probably by the Psions. Their skin changed from blue to gold. As they made the world their own, the Tamarans established a planetary government that evolved into a feudal society. Each landmass was ruled by a royal family, under the dominion of which exist smaller city-states ruled by Influential families. Passionate people driven more by emotion than reason, they are unusually fierce warriors, but their capacity for love is even greater than their capacity for hate; as a result, war and strife were for many centuries long forgotten on Tamaran. Instead, the people channeled their energies into creating a tropical utopia, a paradise where they could live in harmony with the wildlife and where battle skills were maintained largely for ceremony's sake. Unfortunately, with the rise in power of the Citadelians, Tamaran was eventually reintroduced to war. Tamaran re-ouffitted its armies and managed to lend off a Citadelian invasion for more than an Earth century. In the ensuing battle, millions of Tamaraneans were killed; the entire race would have been annihilated had not King ruefully negotiated a solemn truce, the signature of which involved sacrificing his daughter to the slavers of the Citadel. Despite this truce, Tamaran's troubles were far from over. The citizens instigated a worldwide civil war. While the Tamaran fleet fought valiantly, they were overwhelmed. Knowing they couldn't stop the Psions. They called for an evacuation plan, to save as many Tamarans as possible. The attack by the Psions caused the planet’s core of Tamaran to implode.
Many Tamarans were off-world during the explosion – enough to settle on a new planet dubbed New Tamaran. When the Sun Eater ravaged the galaxy, New Tamaran lay in its path and was destroyed along with many of the remaining Tamarans.
A group of Tamarans were off-world during the explosion of New Tamaran. Seeking a new home, they lead an invasion on the planet Karna, home of the Gordanians. After a short conflict, The Gordanians allowed them to stay; in exchange, the Tamarans tought them new trades outside of slavery. Shortly afterward, tragedy struck, a series of Imperiex probes destroyed Karna.
The Psions experiments on the Okaarans also lead to the creation of the Citadelians. The first Citadellian rebelled against his creators and used their machinery to clone himself, creating the Citadel race, but the clones were imperfect and retarded. The citadellians started war against all neighboring worlds in the Vega system. They were demented madmen who held power through brute force and fear but their time would be limited and the great Citadel empire quickly collapsed. Though the back of the empire was broken, but many of the weapons, machines, and warriors remained.
Source: DC Universe "New Teen Titans"
dimanche 16 septembre 2007

Bannished to the vicinity of Vega, they built a Wombworld to subconsciously mimic their creator by experimenting on other species. Their artifical world is comprised of bio-links encircling a central axis. Each one features its own environment in which are placed their test subjects. As Vegan civilization developed, the Psions were present behind the scenes. They were responsible for crossbreeding Okaarans with another species, thereby creating the Citadelians.
The Psions maintain vast floating laboratories where studies continue. Despite long years of research, the Psions know little about themselves. Whenever they get close to the truth about their origins, something inside them makes sure it is suppressed, locking them in an endless cycle of self-deception.
The Psions were informed of mankind's existence by the Dominators and joined an alliance bent of invading Earth in 1988-89.
Source: DC Universe (First Appearance: Witching Hour Vol. 1 #13 (March 1971) )

Kryptonians are humanoids externally very reminiscent of Earth’s humans, but their internal biology is much different. Their cellular function allows them to absorb solar energy at extremely high levels when exposed to a yellow star like Earth's Sun, giving them vast superhuman powers such as flight, super strength and speed, invulnerability, heat beams emission and heightened senses (super hearing, x-ray vision, telescopic vision, micro-vision), super breath, and freezing breath. When superpowered, they are subject to an allergic reaction to Kryptonite, a common mineral from their homeworld..
Kryptonians were a highly technologically advanced but non-expansionnist and intensively xenophobic civilisation. They developed cloning and genetic engineering and a unique technology based on self-grown crystals which made up the vast majority of their planet's surface. Vast amounts of data and information could be stored on relatively small crystals for all the knowledge obtained by the Kryptonians throughout their history. Each Kryptonian family was called a "House," and was represented by a crest or symbol, often worn by the head of the house.
Their homeworld Krypton was an earth size planet orbiting the red sun Rao some 50 light-years from our solar system.
Over 100,000 years ago, Kryptonians had already conquered disease, learned to retard the aging process, and perfected cloning; vast banks of non-sentient clones held multiple copies of each living Kryptonian so that replacement parts were always available in the case of injury. All Kryptonians were effectively immortal and eternally young, and enjoyed an idyllic, sensual existence in an Arcadian paradise.
Then came the debate as to whether clones should have rights. Eventually this disagreement ignited the Clone Wars, during which Kryptonian science was turned to warfare and several super-weapons were developed and used.
Krypton was left deeply scarred. The formerly lush garden world was burnt and blasted, left mostly a lifeless desert. A sterile, emotionally dead civilization emerged from the ashes. Individuals became isolated from one another, living in widely separated technological citadels and shunning all personal, physical contact. Procreation became a matter of compatible genetic material selection which would be placed within an artificial womb called a "birthing matrix." Any attempt to contact other worlds was forbidden, and the planetary government maintained an isolationist stance, forbidding space exploration of any kind.
Then came the mysterious "Green Plague", killing Kryptonians by the hundreds. It is in that period that it was discovered that as a side effect of the war’s super weapons, growing radiation was produced by Krypton's increasingly unstable core. The planet exploded shortly after. Only one child survived, sent to Earth in its birthing matrix by its parents.
Before the Clone Wars, some Kryptonians had left their homeworld and established themselves on Daxxam, a planet orbiting the red giant Valor, so while on their homeworld, they do not have superpowers. They are fatally sensitive to lead, which affects them as kryptonite affects Kryptonians. They are an intensely xenophobic race, and are fearful of alien invaders. Although Daxamites tend to stay on their homeworld, some have ventured into the galaxy. Valor’s location is not known but is presumably in Rao’s vicinity.
The Daxamites learnt about humanity when they took part in an invasion of Earth masterminded by the Dominators in 1988-89. During the invasion they discovered that they gained tremendous powers, of a set and scale comparable to Kryptonians, in a yellow sun environment. However, when they were helped by the locals while succumbing to lead poisoning, they withdrew from the Alliance.
They are most probably the same species known as the Dakkamites from the planet Dakkam, in the Beta Rigel star system in the Milky Way galaxy. grants them super- Known Dakkamites include Wundarr the Aquarian and Quantum.
Sources: For Kryptonites, DC Universe “Superman”, for Daxamites: DC Universe “Superboy #89 (June 1961)” for Dakkamites: Marvel Universe: Silver Surfer #6 (Jun 1969) & Fear #17 (Oct 1973).
vendredi 7 septembre 2007

Source: Clifford Donald Simak "Gateway"
jeudi 6 septembre 2007

They live in a rigid hierarchical society, in which one's caste is determined by the size of a red circle on one's forehead. They are master geneticists and have developped a way to grow hard techand architecture as plants.
They initiated an interstellar alliance toward 1988-89 to try and invade Earth.
Source: DC Universe "Invasion"

Outside their homewordl, they always use cybernetic armored shells recreating their natural envrionments.
They were members of an interstellar alliance that planned an invasion of Earth toward 1988-89.
Source: DC Universe "Invasion"
samedi 1 septembre 2007

Planet of Origin: Durla
Durlans are a polymorph species that developed an advanced interstellar civilisation. Durlans look like an amorphous mass of tentacles with a pair of eyes and a pair a antennas with which Durlans can emit special signals that analyze an item or a lifeform and record its molecular pattern, after which they can mimic that pattern, becoming its perfect duplicate. They also have the ability to link together to form more massive structures. When travelling on alien worlds, they tend to either hide under hooded long robes (as shown on the picture above) or assume a humanoid form.
The inhabitants of the planet Durla are most distrusted a result of their legendary xenophobia; Durlans strictly prohibit any visitation by outsiders and do not often leave their own world. Some of the galaxy's mistrust of Durlans stems from their native shape-shifting ability.
Durlan society crumbled some two to three thousand years ago when their war-like tendencies erupted into the Six-Minute War, a thermonuclear armageddon that destroyed most native life and turned the technological wonderland of Durla into a bleak planetwide wasteland. Facing desolation and deadly radiation levels, the remaining population used what little technology remained to further mutate their naturalbut-limited shape-shifting ability into the power to change their form instantly, so as to better adapt to their new environment.
The Durlans learned of Earth in the 20th century, when they allied themselves with the Dominators ans other civilisatons that feared that Earth was on its way to becoming a spawning ground for an unpredictable and unbeatable super-race.
Source: DC Universe ( First Appearance: (historical) ACTION COMICS #283 (December, 1961); (current) INVASION!#1 (1989); (30th century) ACTION COMICS #267 (August, 1960))

The Celestials appear as silent, massively powerful humanoid armored forms with an average height of
They travel the universe with an agenda of genetic engineering of younger species.
On Earth, they are apparentlt responsible for modifiying humanity in three offshoots, the Eternals, the Deviants and the Latents (representing most of the population), over a million years ago. The exact reason for the Celestials' genetic manipulation of proto-humans is unknown, although it is known that the Celestials conduct similar experiments on other races such as the Skrulls.
Each race that the Celestials has experimented on is periodically assessed by Arishem the Judge, and if a race "fails" by Celestials standards, he sends Exitar the Exterminator, a
Source: Marvel Universe “The Eternals”