vendredi 31 janvier 2014


Planet of Origin: Unknown, in the Milky Way Galaxy
The Volge are a sentient  red skinned humanoids over 8 feet tall whose bodies secret a highly resistant organic armor as well as organically powere their bionetic Cold-fire weapons. Volge do not process oxygen very well and require their armor to provide them with some protection. They are believed to reproduce with clone-like offspring through their DNA and might be an enigneered species.
Subterranean by nature, they live in colonies and come to the surface for warring purposes and have developed a very warlike civilisation.
It is unknown from which planet the Volge originate but they made it to the Votanis System some thousand years ago and landed on the planet Omec whose native population they wiped.
As of 5000 years ago, when their system underwent a stellar cataclysm, they were deliberately left behind as all the system's population fled in large interstellar arks but but some of them managed to get aboard.
Source: Defiance TV series.


mercredi 29 janvier 2014


Planet of Origin: Irath,  a planet with two moons, one of which was habitable, oribiting the star Vysu in Votanis star system in the Milky Way Galaxy, which they shared with the Irathients and the Liberata. Irath's sky has a red color to it and may have had a higher concentration of Nitrogen then Earth does
Sensoth are strong, large and tall humanoids with extended lower jaws and a large amount of hair on their faces. They are their homeworld's species with the longuest lifespan, able to live over 200 years. They prefer to live at a much slower pace than others, speaking and acting slowly due in part to their long lives. Due to their long life they are always planning out things. Not without humor, their practical jokes are always designed to unfold over time. 
On Irath, they lived in the Great Tarnalin Forest and had trade relations with their homeworld's other. They were subjugated by the Castithans and forced into slave work and conscription in their armies.
As of 5000 years ago, they fled their homeworld along with all the other species when their system underwent a stellar cataclysm.
Source: Defiance TV series.

mardi 28 janvier 2014


Planet of Origin: Acamar III, the 3rd planet orbiting
The Acamarians are a humanoid species which had developed a spacefaring civilization as of th 23rd century. They manaded to acheive global peace toward the end of the same century after a history of clan rivalries and violent feuding. Those who did not commit to this peace effort left thir homeworld to live as off-world as nomadic interstellar marauders refered to as Marauders, with which reintegration into society efforts were made from time to time.

lundi 27 janvier 2014


Planet of Origin: Irath,  a planet with two moons, one of which was habitable, oribiting the star Vysu in Votanis star system in the Milky Way Galaxy, which they shared with the Irathients and the Sensoth. Irath's sky has a red color to it and may have had a higher concentration of Nitrogen then Earth does
Liberata are a humanoid species shorter than humans with large whiskers on their face and four fingers on their hands ans feets. They breathe Nitrogen and can be poisoned by oxygen.
Once a war mongering people, they were subjugated by the Castithans, turned into servitude. Once economically powerful,  political missteps reduced them to a caste of minions. Humble and generous by nature, they see their social status among the other races as punishment for crimes of their ancestors.  They have a polytheistic religious system grounded in the here and now of life. A lot of their rituals and practices are been borrowed  from the Sensoth and the Irathients.
As of 5000 years ago, they  fled their homeworld along with all the other species when their system underwent a stellar cataclysm.
Source: Defiance TV series.

dimanche 26 janvier 2014


Planet of Origin: Oannes (also known as P3X-866), one of the three moons orbiting a gas giant in the Milky Way galaxy. 30% of the planet's surface is covered by a salty sea and has five major oceans.
The Ohne are a semi-aquatic humanoid species whihc developed a peaceful civilisation on their homeworld. They have a lifespan that lasts 5,000 years and their young reach maturity by the age of 200. Their society is divided into castes; the two primary ones being the Warrior caste and the Scholar caste.
The Ohne homeworld was invaded millenia ago by the Goa'uld  and the Ohnes driven away from their ocean-born cities by bombarding the seas from orbit while slavers waited on the surface to capture the fleeing inhabitants who were transported as slaves to ships in orbit. The Ohnes soon overwhelmed their captors, forcing the Goa'uld to self-destruct their vessel, slaughtering thousands of Ohnes while, on the Ohne homeworld, the Ohnes were launching a counterattack thatquickly routed and the Ohnes retook their world.
The Ohne possess advanced memory manipulation science but do not appear to have developed spacefaring technologies.
Source: Stargate universe, (SG1: "Fire and Water")

samedi 25 janvier 2014


Planet of Origin: Irath,  a planet with two moons, one of which was habitable, oribiting the star Vysu in Votanis star system in the Milky Way Galaxy, which they shared with the Liberata and the Sensoth. Irath's sky has a red color to it and may have had a higher concentration of Nitrogen then Earth does
Irathients are a humanoid species that looks much like naturally althetic humans with broad and flat nasal bridges, reddish skin usually red hair.
They have developed a proud, tribal civilisation centered in their spiritual beliefs very closely to the natural world. into tribes and are often perceived by outsiders as aggressive. Their spiritual beliefs are made up of three idealized parts of the body: the Gyabire (the brain) the seat of intellect; the Gyagbe (the heart) the source of vitality; and he Gyargye (the stomach) the house of emotion.
As of 5000 years ago, they  fled their homeworld along with all the other species when their system underwent a stellar cataclysm.
Source: Defiance TV series.

mardi 21 janvier 2014


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

This world of cold and eternal twilight would most likely be inhabited by winged bat-people with heavy protecting fur.... Profundo (is) the sub-surface city of the Bat-Men of Pluto. Here on this icy, distant world the only place for a city is underground. It is an amazing world of cavern-cities, bat-like men and greatly advanced science.

This picture comes from Please visit his awesome site!

lundi 20 janvier 2014


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

The man from Neptune lives on a world of great density, and he is forced to fight a grim environment. Tremendous gravity, an unstabloe surface, probably liquid with little land area, dense atmosphere, all present great problems.

Paul depicts the Neptunians like tailed amphibian reptiles with some batracian and lemurian features which have developed a primitive society, living in domed huts near bodies of water, whenever possible in underground areas.

This picture comes from Please visit his awesome site!

dimanche 19 janvier 2014


 In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

The inhabitant of Uranus lives on a rigorous planet indeed.  He is confronted with tremendous gravity, dense atmosphere, poison gases, and great storms. 

While he only shows them in exosuits, Paul describes the Uranians as Seal Men, living in amazing underground metal and glass cities such as Metalis. While nothing let us believe that they have developed a space technology, the Seal Men nevertheless appear to have developed an advanced tehcnological civilisation, making cybernetics part of their everyday life.

samedi 18 janvier 2014


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

In this imaginative painting, artist Fran R. Paul has pictured his conception of the possible life forms that may inhabit Titan, the larges of the satellites of Saturn. Titan is larger than our moon, but how much larger is not definitely known. Some scientists beleive that Saturn itself, a huge world, still retains enough heat of its own to radiate to its satellites, and thus make it possible that they support life forms. Mr. Paul imagines Titan as a primitive world, inhabited by monster lizards and dinosaura. A world of swamps and ferocious beast and giant plants.

Paul also depicts the planet being the home of a yellow and black humanoid species which seems to have attained at least to an advanced industrial stage, being able to build the tall skyscrapers that filled the Golden City of Titan..

vendredi 17 janvier 2014


 In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

Life on Saturn would evolve along the insect line, wiht light body, capable of walking spider-like along its swampy unstable surface.

Paul depicts Saturnians as quadrupeds with thin spider legs, an oval body, four concentric tentacles-like arms over which are slits which might be nostrils or small mouths,and a small head at the top with 2 eyes. Given the complexity of their city, they seem to have developed an industrial civilisation.

This picture comes from Please visit his awesome site!

jeudi 16 janvier 2014


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

(Speaking of Europa) This member of the Solar System is only a bit smaller than Earth' Moon. Science knows little about it, and thus, lacking conclusive observation, our artist picture its life in imaginative style.  
The city of Oor, on Europa, is built in plastics. Transparent and opaque plastics make this wonder city of resazt science. Transportation is by meand of giant domesticated insects.

Paul depicts  insectoid humanoids covered with chitin armor as the main sentient species of a planet which also has deometicated giant centipedes and bee-type flyers as well as some saurian lifeforms.

Note that another picture informs us that the planet has large bodeies of water on which Ether-Ship may navigate. (The following picture comes from Please visit his awesome site! )

mercredi 15 janvier 2014


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

Serenis, water city of Callisto: The people of Callisto love beauty and their city is built on a lake. It is a Venice of the Outer worlds.

Paul depicts tall clawed four-armed humanoids with slightly simian facies, bleu skin and flowing white hair.

Source: Frank R. Paul, Amazing Stories

mardi 14 janvier 2014


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

Gatos, crater city of Ganymede is built at the magnetic pole, and  uses the magnetism of the planet for power, heat, light. Its people, tiger-like are masters of its animal world, and ride giant lizards. 


lundi 13 janvier 2014


 In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

Theoretically, creatures such as these might inhabit this satellite. Io has a dimater of 2000 miles and a thin, though breathable atmosphere....  an entire city built of gleaming, jewel-like crystals. This is what a visitor will find in the weirdly beautiful Crystallis, the capital city of Io, satellite of Jupiter.

Source: Frank R. Paul, Amazing Stories.

dimanche 12 janvier 2014


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

Jupiter's inhabitants need to be massive, or tremendous strenght to cope with the enormous gravity ot this giant world. They would probably be forced to a clumsy mode of locomotion, since long legs would be impossible. An earhtman would need a tractor to get about.

Paul depicts massive sextupeds able to move on 4 or 6 legs, usually using the first, longer ones for prehension. He presents us a civilisation that has developed industrialisation and advanced urbanism but that does not seem to have started its space age.


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

"Science tells us that is is logical to believe that other planets are inhabited by some form of life. Just what type isn't exactly certain, but astronomy points toward definite planetary conditions which can be taken into consideration in imagining what type of "man" that planet would be most likely to develop.  On our [front] cover we have conceived of the Man from Mars, as he most logically might exist.
Mars, the oldest of planets, cooled faster than its larger brothers.  Its location also aided in its rapid advance, and life must have appeared there long before on earth.  Therefore, our Martian must be more advanced, more evolved than we.  Considering his planetary environment he would most likely possess the following features...
The Man from Mars... is a strange looking individual. He has been evolved much differently than we because mars is a smaller planet, has less gravity, a thin atmosphere and extreme heat and cold. He has large ears to catch sound weakened by rarefied air. He communicates with his fellows by telepathy, using natural antenna. He is tall, walking with the aid of natural suction-type feet. he has magnificent lung development, and narrow, light body. he has retractable eyes and nose, to protect against freezing. his body, besides being protected by scientific garments, is covered with warm fur. Geing the most advanced creature in the solar system, he carries an atomic riffle, the result of greater science knowledge.


How Martians see us.
A Martian reconstruction of the Earthman, deduced from what he can discover of our world by observation and analysis, might very logically be such a creature as is shown here.The Martians had deduced that, since Earth is three-quarters water, then humans would probably be quasi-amphibian.  Due to the abundance of food, he would be a "fat, contented creature, with a large body, bullet-head, short legs, and webbed hands and feet... [W]e of Mars can well be jealous of Earth and its inhabitants. (Thanks to Frank Wu for this bit of text. Please visit his fantastic site - the most complete on Frank R. Paul, at:


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

 Science says Venus is a sister world and human forms of life are more possible than on any other planet.

Paul depicts Venus as a lush watery world with venusians being sexuate amphibious web-feet bipeds with features reminiscent of batricians, fish, saurians and seals, living in semi-urban dry land settings in close relation with ever present water and using domesticated fauna such as pterodactyl-like steeds and large water saurians.


In 1940, science-fiction art pionneer Frank R. Paul did pieces showing what life could be on other planets. In his own words:

Mercury, being dangerously near the sun, is a planet of terrific heat. Life, says science, logically can only exist in insect form.

His pictures depicts sentient wide earred creatures covered with red protective chitin armor, moving on four limbs but being able to use all of them for prehensile tasks and living in honeycombed underground Quartz Ccities to protect themselves from the heat of the sun.

Despicte the hot and harsh climate, Mercury seems to possess a body of water, although chemically-polluted, on which boats using sheets of Mica as sails can travel.

This picture comes from Please visit his awesome site!

samedi 11 janvier 2014


Ornithoid lifeforms were a sentient species with substantial mental abilities from outside the Milky Way Galaxy.which developed an advanced spacefaring civilisation able to cross intergalacitc distances.
Being very fragile, they usually needed transmuter technologies that enhanced their powers to survive in environments suited for humanoid lifeform. 
Two Ornithoid explorers are known to have been sent ot the Milky Way in the 23th century but died due to complication in their first contact with humans on Pyris VII.
Source: Start Trek Universe, TOS, Catspaw, by Robert Bloch.


The Alien lifeform briefly witnessed in the Europa Report videos is a large octopus looking bioluminescent tentacled mollusks living in the waters of the ocean lying under the ice sheat covering Europa, one of Jupiter's moons. Nothing else is known about it at this time.
Source: Europa Report (2013)


The so called monsters are creature which appeared on Earth after a deep space probe crashed in Mexico. They started to spread along the US Mexican border, leading to the quarantine of the northern part of the country.

 The creature look like 15 to 20 meters bioluminescent amphibious octopi with no suckers on their tenctacles standing on a set of 4 legs crustacean in shape but looking like they are covered with heavy skin rather than chitin and which enables them to walk on solid ground.

The creatures somehow  lay their eggs in trees near bodies of flowing water, with their larva somehow using the rivers' currents to go down to the ocean where they mature before coming back to land to lay new eggs. Efforts by the military to destroy the forest and stop the creatures propagation was met by violent response by them. Although the level of intelligence of theses aliens remains unknown,  they seem to have the instinct to protect theire eggs and are able to communicate amongst themselves by using a combination of sounds and luminous signals.
Source: Monsters (2010) by Gareth Edwards