lundi 18 juin 2007


Species that either might have developped a civilisation or was designed by some other civilisation for means still unknown. The male moves in a quadrupedal manner while the female is bipedal. Appearing externally humanoid, they are internally quite different and have lots of tentacles and appendages they can extend from their bodies. They are more intelligent, stronger, more resistant and regenerate a lot faster than a human being
History (conjectural): It is claimed by a scientists that the species originated in the Large Magellanic Cloud (called the Magellanic Galaxy in Species II), but no real evidence has been given to that assertion. It is also stipulated that they were a "cancerous" race that visited Mars millions of years ago and annihilated all life on its surface, (which was Earth-like at that time) before leaving a remnant of DNA in its soil. This DNA was intended to be picked up by other visitors so their species could continue to infect other planets in like manner.

Contact with Earth: The first alien of this species encountered by mankind is the result of the SETI program, (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence). When scientists received transmissions from an alien source in the 1990ies, it told them about how to create an endless fuel source as well as information about an alien DNA with instructions on how to splice it with human DNA. Thinking it might be as beneficial as the fuel source, they spliced the DNA. The effort produced a girl (named Sil) who looked normal (human) but developped into a 12-year old in 3 weeks, was incredibly strong and intelligent with amazing regenerative powers. Upon reaching adulthood, she metamorphosed into a monstrous humanoid lifeform bent on reproducing herself.
Two years later, the first successful manned mission on Mars was infected and took over by the original alien life form, which had layed contained in a Martian rock sample. It transformed the surviving astronaut into the male version of the species and started to look for a new version of Sil which had just been created in a governmental lab. They were killed after they mated and their offspring survived.
Source: Species I, II, III

dimanche 17 juin 2007


Planet of Origin: Boazan, the eighth planet of a star cluster which is said to be the seat of the Boazanian Star Empire (Empire of the Horn). In this planet lies the great imperial court that houses all the executive functions of the Empire. Due to the liberal reign of Makron XII, a deceased Baozanian emperor, the planet was able to avoid becoming a mechanized city. During Makron XII's time, Boazan remained a natural world and retained much of its natural life support systems. The planet was divided into feudal zones and sectors. Each member of the nobility had his own administrative function. They also appear in the imperial court from time to time. Boazan has an estimated population of fifteen trillion.

Society : Humanoid civilisation that developed an interstellar empire. The populace is divided into two classes namely the horned and the non-horned. The characteristic of having horns signifies a higher-class status. Such a horned individual enjoys the rights and privileges enjoyed by the nobility. While the non-horned are treated as slaves and should be subservient. The individuals without horns are not free. They are not allowed to have property or other possessions. They cannot marry unless their masters give them permission. These slaves perform 97.3 percent of all manual labor. Most work comprise of agricultural duties but others also work as servants, messengers, and clerks. Boazan is self sufficient but very few industries related to machineries and technology are developed. Thus, Boazania had to rely on imports. However, Boazanina primarily offers many resorts and other entertainment facilities. Its a vacation spot with a rating of 83%, an ideal tourist planet.
History: The emergence of Boazan as a stellar invader came during the reign of Hakkor IV. The development of rocket propulsions enabled the Boazanians to reach many other worlds. But plans for the explorations of space were shelved due to impracticality.
The so-called intra-stellar drive was perfected during the later years of Hakkornian rule. Although still slow and crude, the utilization of Generation ships were affected due to the growing Boazanian population. And it would take decades to reach the next stellar systems. Old Boazanians would have to die while others will give birth to new Boazanians during the journey. But upon the invention of the interstellar drive, a drive powered by light converted into electromagnetic propulsion, everything in Boazan changed.
However, there was a setback. The chrono-spatio development was not applicable to arms and weaponry. So, the Boazanians developed more conventional weapons, progressing along the lines of atomics and nucleic weaponry. Eons ahead of Earth in terms of technology, Boazan's military forces were more sophisticated and prevailing.
The Beast Fighters was the apex of the Boazanians' war efforts. These massive machines are cybernaut warriors that could come to life upon the transplantation of Boazanian minds into the robotic computers. The Beast Fighters made Boazan a great threat to any civilization in the galaxy. A destructive military force in Boazan supported the imperial explorations.
The Galactic Center was finally brought under Boazan's imperial rule. And in the year 2094, Boazan reached the periphery of the Galactic Center where Earth was the first of the outer worlds assaulted. The Imperial war officials supposed planet earth as the easiest to subjugate.
However, this was not the case and the Earth force later led the fight back to Boazan, allied themselves with the local revolutionary forces and to helped the enslaved hornless population to overthrow the aristocratic regime.
Sources: Tadao Nagahama, Voltes V
Thanks to
the Wikipedia article from which most text and informations were litteraly scavenged:


Planet of origin: planet Torkarga in the Lesser Magellanic Cloud (the Third Galaxy).
Tokarga is quite earthlike and possessed at least a moon until it was (they were?) destroyed by the Mazones and turned into a ring around the planet.
Advanced humanoid civilisation whose development was influenced by the Mazones who settled on the planet in the distant past and kept one of their seeding plants in the planet’s ocean. The planet was destroyed by the Mazones after a insurrection in 2977. Tokargans are sexuate, hairless, slightly smaller than humans, with a greenish skin and no apparent neck.
Source: Leiji Matsumoto, Space Pirate Captain Harlock,


Planet of Origin: Noollba / Nuruba (Milky Way)
Noolbans are shapeless polymorph sentient forms of life. Although they possess independant thoughts, they are all part of the planet-size shapeless entity called Noolba. They have not developped any technology but are able to mimic what they encounter.
Source: Leiji Matsumoto, Galaxy Express 999


Planet of Origin: Niflheim / Jura
Advanced civilisation of humanoids form the Antares sector with fantastic psionic powers. Liiving of a strong in alcohol liquid based based diet, they almost do not need to sleep and, unless harmed, are virtually immortal. They have a tendency to glow during their digestive process. They were decimated when their world was ravaged by the Mazones who turned the planet’s vegetation against its inhabitants so they could transform the place in a garden world for their queen. The exact date when that happened is not documented but it most likely happened at least some 180 000 000 years ago. Only two of them survived.
Source: Leiji Matsumoto, Space Pirate Captain Harlock, Harlock Saga: The Ring of the Nibelungen.

vendredi 15 juin 2007


Planet of origin: Mazone Homeworld (somewhere in a now dead galaxy further away than Andromeda from the Milky Way)
An ancient intergalactic civilisation of highly advanced vegetal
sentient lifeforms.
While they can change their shape and meld with some other more primitive vegetal lifeforms, most mazones look like thin women with a white skin and long flowing green hair. While they can breathe underwater and lay dormant for untold ages under cold climate, Intense heat makes them burst in flame. Unless harmed, Mazones have incredibly long lifespans and a possibly immortal.

Mazones can reproduce either by germination from a seed or by budding (in the only recorded example of these, the "mother" was in a tate of dormancy. It is not kwown if active mazones can reproduce this way). Some examples of sexuate reproduction with members of other species have been reported but in the absence of further examination, this could be camouflaged budding. Either by choice or for bological imperatives - it remains unknown - they can enter period of dormance that can last for several million years during which time they meld along the regular flora. There is evidence that they either can also manipulate lower plant forms or have at their disposal some more primitive species to do their biddings, like was demontrated on the Antarean/Juran/Nibelung homeworld where giant plants litteraly wiped out the local population under the control of the Mazones. The exact nature of these thralls remains unclear.
Although each Mazone is a complete individual, their social structure seems follow the structure of a hive, with everyone following blindly the wills of their charismatic and undisputed leader, Queen Lafressia. Their use of the word "Queen" seems to refer more to its Hive definition than to that of a monarchic leader, as there appears to be no nobility around her, only the military hierarchy of which she seems to be the ultimate commander.
Mazones settled in several galaxies of the Local Group and installed seeding plants on several worlds and influenced (or as they claim, created) the evolution of the lifeforms they felt was better suited to take care of the planet as they flet it should be. Among such world are Earth in theMilky Way and Tokarga in the Lesser Magellanic Cloud (the Third Galaxy). Mankind and the Tokargans are supposedly examples of mazone-bred cattle lifeforms. Mazone Seeding plants are usually recognizable from the outside by their Pyramid shapes. The pyramids, though, are only gateways to pocket universes with their own physical laws, whch are filled with Mazone seeds in suspension in nutrient fluids, waiting to be brought to the real world to germinate.
Mazones in the Solar System were known to be active on Venus and Earth some
80 000 000 years ago. A black sphere beacon set to land on Earth in 2977 is equipped with the necessary equipment to emit a signal to awaken the dormant Earth Mazone population. They might have have other awakened period in between, but as Mazone individuals have a tendancy to meld with the human population, this information remains unknown and undocumented.
The Mazones possess a base on Venus, and on Earth in the Bermuda Triangle. Some other Mazone sites include the Nile Valley, the Amazone and the Asian South-west.

SOurce: Leiji Matsumoto, Space Pirate Captain Harlock


The Mi-go are an ancient interstellar civilisation. Theyare large, pinkish, fungoid, crustacean-like entities the size of a man. They are made of a form of matter that does not occur naturally on Earth. About 5 feet long, their crustaceous bodies bear numerous sets of paired appendages. Their head looks like a complex set of antennae like appendages changing colors constantly, which is used for communication. They also possess a pair of membranous bat-like wings which are somehow used to travel through space.

Their religious beliefs seem to have relatively minor importance compared to their scientific interests. Their moral system is completely alien, making them seem highly malicious.

Mi-Go have visited Earth for more thant 150 millions years, mainly for mining reasons, and have a base of operation in the outer solar system on the word called Yuggoth, which is beleived to be Pluto.

Source: H. P. Lovecraft, "The Whisperer in Darkness" (1931).


There flapped rhythmically a horde of tame, trained, hybrid winged things ... not altogether crows, nor moles, nor buzzards, nor ants, nor decomposed human beings, but something I cannot and must not recall.
H. P. Lovecraft, "The Festival"

Byakhee are sentient creatures that live in interstellar space but are known to come to Earth from time to time.


Planet of Origin: Cinrus

Cinrusskin are sentient insectoid empaths who are member of the same interstellar civilisation at some point in the future. They are extremely fragile; their six legs are long, bony and pencil-thin with many joints, and their four arms end in tiny manipulatory "hands". They have four large iridescent wings, not quite atrophied, and prefer to hover when eating.

Their conversation consists of trills, clicks and buzzes; their mouths are beak-like, and their eyes large and triple-lidded. Although their exoskeletal bodies look awkward they move quickly. They can cling to walls and ceilings, or fly if necessary, but they have very little stamina. Because they are so fragile they are very cautious around others.

Their main defensive weapon is a powerful empathic ability, which lets them know what those around them are feeling. This has a down-side, in that unpleasant emotions such as anger or pain affect Cinrusskin severely, causing them to tremble and feel faint. However, they are experts at making those around them feel good; they are kind, considerate and friendly, always polite and non-controversial, lying if necessary to make people happy. This makes them very popular, and those who know them are extremely protective.

Sources: James White, novels of the Sector General Universe

John G. Wood at:


Planet of origin : Hudlar

Hudlars are a sentient species that will be member of the same interstellar Federation at some point in the future. Massive, they ressemble two-ton armadillos. They are oxygen-breathers but can go without air for long periods and can work comfortably in the vacuum of space. They can survive radiation doses that would kill many races. Their skin is flexible but extremely tough and with very few orifices: temporary ones form for mating and giving birth. Hudlarian eyes are deeply recessed and protected and speech is via a bellowslike cock's comb flap on the back of the head, which they also use for hearing. Breathing, eating and excreting happen through different areas of the skin, in some places pitted with thousands of tiny slits.

They have six thick tentacles, which end in hardened pads that form "knuckles" for them to walk on, and manipulative clusters of four, hard-tipped specialised digits which curl inward for protection.

Hudlar's home gravity approaches 4G and the atmosphere is a thick, semi-liquid soup with a pressure of 7 atmospheres. This provides them with all the nourishment they require; offworld they spray themselves with nutrient "paint". Many Hudlars work offworld; the planet is poor, with no mineral resources, fabricated items, or tourist attractions, so the inhabitants sell their labour. They need to eat frequently, but can go for long periods without sleep.

Young Hudlars are prone to a number of spectacular diseases which are only life-threatening when they combine, but adults are virtually immune to disease and very hard to injure. Their immune systems are so efficient that transplants require it to be artificially suppressed, after which the recipients may no longer come into contact with others of their kind or they may die. Problems also arise in old age, when the two hearts can no longer maintain the high metabolic rate. This leads to a number of unpleasant effects including necrosis of the limbs, failure of the food absorption mechanism on their flanks, distortion of the speaking membrane and loss of control of the underside waste elimination area. Aged Hudlars often go insane as their bodies let them down.

Hudlars mate for life, and only share their names with their life-mates and close family. After giving birth the female gradually becomes male and her partner does the opposite. Death is never mentioned, and the bodies of the deceased are ignored. Hudlars are frequently gentle, inoffensive and self-effacing.

Their music sounds like whistling moaning.

Sources: James White, novels of the Sector General Universe

John G. Wood at:

dimanche 10 juin 2007


A black rectangular shape, from 12 to 15 meters in height by 60 to 76 meters in lenght. Its interior is composed of cellulose compressed to an incredible extent and can witstand struscutral stress of several tons per square centimetre. Its exterior is a cellulose/silicon polymere coating that is able to convert kinetic energy in potential energy and to convert it according to its need. The composition of this skin somehow allows the visitor to manipulate gravitic flux either for attraction or repulsion. The visitors reproduces by budding and are able to modify their offspring’s structure so they will better adapt to their new environment. They are also able to modificy theur structure to extend thin prehensile tentacles to bring other creature inside them in order to communicate with them telephatically.

The Visitors came to Earth toward the end of the 20th century.

Source : Clifford D. Simak, The Visitors


The team are two representatives from an unamed non technological interstellar civilisation. They look like large globes about two meters in diameters, with eyes moving on their surface. They are peaceful, very intelligent and able to move in air and through space. The extent of their capacities remains unknown. The only known recorded contact of this species with mankind is when the team visits Earth in 3952.

Source: Clifford Donald Simak, A Heritage of Stars (1977)


Planet of origin : The Green Planet

Strions are the leading form of life of the so called Green Planet, a word orbiting around a green sun. Standing a bit higher than a human does, green, vaguely squid like and translucent, they have four limbs that can both be used for locomotion and prehension. Their body has about the same mass as one of their limbs and on top of it is a mouth and two yellow eyes with ared pupils. A xenophobic monarchic society, they possess an advanced technology but have not yet ventured into interstellar space as of 3000AD.

The only recorded contact of humanity with the strions was when the earth ship AragoX-001 landed on the planet by accident.

Source: Jean Image, Pluk le Naufragé de l’espace

vendredi 8 juin 2007


Planet of Oirigin: Barm / Baam / Valeria / Birdstar Humanoids with feathered wings who developped a space faring civilisation. Their planet was destroyed and they came to the Soalr System in the early 21st century in an asteroid ark with the goal of negotiating the purchase of land to emigrate to. Unfortunately, during the negotiations, the Barmian’s leader, Leon, was assassinated by his second in command, Olban, and the delegation from Earth was framed for the murder. In the ensuing chaos, Doctor Isamu Ryūzaki of the Earth delegation was shot and killed. Shortly after the disastrous end of the talks, the Barmians began a campaign of terror against Earth, lead by Leon’s son, Admiral Richter, who deployed a variety of robotic war machines against the planet’s defenses. After much fighting, peace was finally signed.

Earlier, in 2013 (as shown in COmbattler V), the Baamian Cosmobird had come to Earth for help as her homeworld was threatened by the Kyanbel (See Kyanbel), which leads to believe that the destruction of Baam is the result of Kyanbel aggression.

Source: Tosho Daimos (and COmbattler V)


Planet of origin: Planet Sigma: 13ht planet in sector 0865.

Planet Sigma was destroyed in in big war against the Kyanbel some 20 000 years ago.
Its inhabitants were 60 to 65 meters tall humanoids with freezing powers. One of them, brainwashed, was kept in suspended animation at the bottom of the pacific ocean until 2013 when he was used by them to help them conquer Earth.

Source: Combattler V


Planet of Origin: Kyanbel
Kyanbels are white skinned humanoids who developped a highly advanced space faring imperial civilisation
Politics: Kyanbel has been under a monarchic regime for more than 20 000 years. The dominant ideology has varied throguh time between expansionnist views, according to which the Kyanbel should use their advance technology to conquer other worlds and submit other civilisations to their whim, and more idealistic views of cooperation and limited intervention in the the affairs of other worlds.
History: Kyanbel were already travelling trhough space 20 000 years ago. They warred against the SIgmans and imprisonned one fo them in suspended animation in Earth's Pacific Ocean. Their expansionnist views stopped some time after that. Some 10 000 years ago, Oreana, one of their best scientist with expansionnist ideas transfered her consciousness into huge statue-like machine and left with her followers. She settled on Earth and remained there for thousands of years. After her departure, the empire seems to have somewhat stagnated technologically as the planet entered a millenia period of social turmoil between expansionnist dissidents and the non-expansionnist ruling class. This would eventually lead to the overthrow of the Kyanbel King Deus and the coming on the throne of Queen Janera in the beginning of the 21st century. Janera contacted Oreana to tell her her views finally had triumphed. Oreana tried to take over Earth but was destroyed in 2013. Janera came to Earth to take over the operation herself, only to be also thwarted by the earthlings. Reparation was then offered by the Kyanbel's true authority when they overruled Janera in 2014.
Source: Tadao Nagahama, Combattler V


Starseeds are lifeforms found through interstellar space. They seem to migrate from the galactic core toward the rim, ejecting their eggs along the way, and then back to the core. Sometimes the eggs are ejected towards other galaxies, but most are left to hatch and migrate themselves to the core.

When folded on themselves, they look like a spherical mass roughly a mile in diameter, but when in need of changing direction, they unfold into a large squarish solar sail with its corners connected via strands to a small knob. Most of the internal organs are located in a cross-shaped swelling in the sail.

Source: Larry Niven, A gift from Earth

mercredi 6 juin 2007


Non-humanoid alien species that developed interstellar travel some 65 millions years ago. They possess psychic powers.
One of their spaceship crashed on Earth and its crew went dormant only to be revived toward the end of the 20th century and plotted in vain to conquer Earth before being destroyed
Source: Godzilla the Animated series.
Notes: illustation is © 1998 Toho Co., Ltd. /Adelaide Productions, Inc.


Planet of origin: Unknown /Planet of adoption: Khera

Kherubim resemble humans in appearance, they are physically far stronger, resistant and long-lived, but almost infertile. Their vocal cords are highly developed allowing a far wider range of tones than is possible for a human being. A few of them have displayed the ability to manipulate energy and other psionic powers while others have been known be able to shapeshift bu turning their bodies into a mercury-like substance.

Thousands of years ago, the Kherubim destroyed their own planet and came to Khera and settled it, subjugating the Titanthropes natives, then slowly accepting them as second-class citizens.

Later they encountered the Deamonites and started a millennias long war with them which ended toward the end of the 20th century with their victory.

Kherans are a warrior race with strong emphasis in hand-to-hand combat and an honor system. They have a political system where various parties vie for power.

While preferring bladed weapons in combat, Kherans are technologically highly advanced. They own armies of androids and spaceships capable of interstellar flights. They are capable of inscribing knowledge in the form of organic molecules, which when injected into the bloodstream downloads that knowledge straight into the brain. They are capable of manipulating the laws of chance and, using their Dream Engine, to turn dreams and thoughts into reality.

Source: Jim Lee, WildC.A.Ts #1 (1992) and later.


Planet of origin: Khera

Titanthropes are the native lifeforms of planet Khera. Hey were subjugated and then absorbed as second class citizen by the Kherubim when those came to settle on their world after the destruction of their own. They are large, purple-skinned humanoids who are able to increase or decrease their mass. They have large yellow horns growing from their backs. When increasing his size, a Titan will lose intelligence, but gain strength.

Source: Jim Lee, WildC.A.Ts #1 (1992) and later.


Planet of origin: Deamon

Daemonites are reptilian aliens. Unable to survive on most planets whose biosphere differs from theirs, They developed the ability to merge with a host which they possess in order to survive. In good coniditons, they can survive for millennia are are capable of regenerating missing limbs and quickly recover from serious injuries. While keeping their host body under control, they still can return to their true for a short period of time. The appearance of this true form varies with individuals but all have long sharp claws and teeth, a hunched posture and dark green skin.

They develloped interstellar travel thousands of years ago. Their ability to possess other species helped them to survive in almost any environment and they settled on several worlds until they met the Kherubim and started a war against them which raged for millenias and ended toward the end of the 20th century with the Kherubim’s victory. The latter imposed heavy war reparations on the Deamonites which litteraly broke the remnants of their society.

While other species have only been exposed to the military factions of the Deamonite society, peaceful civilians also exist. They possess a ritual where they possess other of their kind. This allows transfer of memories, emotions and knowledge among themselves and the forgeing of a strong bonds.

A Daemonite vessel fought a Kherubim vessel near Earth, thousands of years ago. Both spaceships were damaged and crashlanded on Earth. The Daemonites decided use its population as host bodies and the Kherubim decided to stop them.

Source: Jim Lee, WildC.A.Ts #1 (1992) and later.