Source: Star Trek
Have aliens visited Earth? We dont know. But Vulcans, E.T. and Martians have invaded Pop Culture.
Planet of Origin: Eurythma
The Eurythmans are a humanoid species looking much like humans which developped their culture entirely around music and speak in a constant, lilting sing-song manner. Among their achievements is the ability to use sound vibration for varied uses, including healing and a three-part harmony of incredible destructive power which was once used to blast out of the sky a comet in collision course with the planet.
Source: The Transformers the Animated Series
Source: Babylon 5 universe.
The Vree are a race of hairless, large-eyed humanoid which had developped a spacefaring civilisation as of the twentieth century. They made contact with humanity in that time, visiting Earth fairly regularly in the 1940s. Not making formal formal contact, they mostly observed and even kidnapped specimens for for further sicentific studies. Vree look much like what human popculture Grey aliens, their behavior also match the character as does their spaceships, shaped like flying saucers. They joined the league of non-aligned worlds in the mid-twenty-third century and later the Interstellar Alliance.
Source: Babylon 5 universe
Source: Babylon 5 Universe
Planet of Origin: Plorgonar
Plorgonarians are thin, yellow man-sized invertebrates with three stout legs, a wide mouth with two purple tongues, three elongated fingers on each hand, a round bald head topped with a single small antenna that acts as ear and nose, and one large eye in the middle of his face. Their brain is extremely small (smaller than his eye) for their intelligence, which is comparable to that of the average human. They are sexuate with two genre differentiation.As of the twentieth century, they have developped a space faring civilisation which is part of an interspecies Galactic Federation.
Source: Disney's Lilo and Stitch and related media.
Thanks: Thanks to Brian O'Neill for the Plorgonarian photo. You can visit his site: www.oinc.net